RYAN, John, Beeville Bee or Picayune, Thursday. 29 Jan 1914, Front Page: John Ryan Murdered. Yesterday's Express stated that the body of a man who had been murdered at Kyle, by being stabbed and hit over the head, had been identified as John Ryan by Tim J. Hart. Mr. Hart was almost positive he could not be mistaken, but the father of the murdered man, Joe Ryan of this city left Wednesday night for San Antonio and with Mr. Hart went to Kyle. John Ryan is a telegraph operator and was on his way to see his sister, Miss. Annie Ryan who lived in San Antonio when he disappeared. Miss Ryan received word from her brother that he would reach San Antonio Monday and when he failed to put in his appearance she became uneasy and when the notice of the finding of an unidentified body at Kyle was printed she thought from the description that maybe it was her brother and sent Mr. Hart, a relative to investigate. John Ryan was reared in Beeville but has not been here for several years, following railroad work of several places throughout the country, and was coming from Winnipeg, Canada where he was relief agent for the Canadian Pacific railroad when he met foul play, seemingly and was murdered and robbed. On the person of the murdered man was found two $10 bills which were in a small pocket and were overlooked by the robber who took everything else from the body. Mrs. Kate Corrigan, a sister, resides here and Felix Ryan, a brother of Corpus Christi, has gone to San Antonio and Luke Ryan, another brother, resides in Houston. The murdered man was about 30 years of age.