POWELL, Mrs. Virginia, Beeville Picayune, Friday, 13 Sep 1912, front page: Obituary, Mrs. Virginia Powell was born April 1, 1851 in Scott County, Mississippi. Her maiden name was Williams, being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Williams. Mrs. Powell came to Bee County Texas in the year 1862 with her parents and brothers and sisters, Timothy C., Elizabeth C., Henry L., Chas. H., Mary J.; after arriving in Texas there were added to the family, Joseph S. and Lula. She was married to William J. Powell, December 6, 1870. The marriage license is on record in the office of the county clerk of Bee County Texas. The ceremony was performed and then returned to the clerk made by T. R. Atkins. Her home after marriage was in Aransas County near Rockport, Texas where the three eldest sons were born. Her children, all living, are Mac, Chauncey, Sidney 0., Tom, Joe S., and Nannie Lee. n 1891 the family moved to Beeville where they have resided ever since, with the exception of Joe S. Powell now lives in Orange County, Texas. All of the sons are married and have added to the famity tree, four grandsons and two granddaughters. It is a remarkable fact that during the forty years of married life, death came to none of her family nor any of the families of her children. She was christened according to the rites of the Methodist Church, South, in infancy and was confirmed in the early years of her life. She was a Christian, indeed. She was taken suddenly with dysentery about one o'clock Friday morning September 6, 1912 and died of peritonitis at 9:10 a. m. Monday, September 9, 1912. All of her children were at her bedside when the end came except Joe S. who arrived on the early train Tuesday morning. Her brother, Joseph S. and Henry L. and her sister, Miss Lula Williams arrived from San Patricio County in time to attend the funeral. Her brother, Chas. H. from Duval County arrived on Tuesday night. Interment was made in the family burial grounds in the new cemetery at 5 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, Sept 10. 1912 The funeral service was conducted by her pastor, Rev. G. M. Boyd, assisted by Rev. J. M. Sallee of the Baptist Church. The service consisted of a song and prayer at the residence and an impressive informal service at the grave. A large number of friends attended the obsequies, manifesting the esteem in which she was held by her neighbors and acquaintances.