Grandma Weed Enjoys Celebration Of 82nd Birthday At Her Home
Fifty-one Children, Grandchildren, Great-Grandchildren and Others Present

Beeville Picayune, 7 May 1925

"Grandma" Susie L. WEED of this city celebrated the eighty-second anniversary of her birth at her home in this city yesterday. All of her living children were present, as well as three sons-in-law and a large number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, other relatives and friends.

A long table was constructed in the yard under the inviting shade of large trees and there were great loads of good things to eat - everything the inner man could crave was beautifully served. The food had been prepared by the daughters at their respective homes and great baskets of good things were left over - enough to feed more than were present to enjoy the meal.

The event was featured by two birthday cakes, one for "Grandma" and one for her grandson, Cylah DAVID, of Robstown, who became 38 years of age yesterday. "Grandma's" cake was made in five sections and put together, holding 82 candles and was composed of eighty layers.

"Grandma" was the youngest person present and her smile beamed with happiness. She said she felt like a 16-year-old girl and it was difficult for her to believe that the great majority of those present, as well as many others, were her descendants. With every faculty working perfectly and with the step of a much younger woman, no one enjoyed the occasion more than she.

Miss Susie L. CAMPBELL was born in St. Landry Parish, La., May 6, 1843. Her parents were Louis and Sarah (HAY) CAMPBELL. They came to Texas when the daughter Susie was but six years of age settling first in Grimes county in east Texas, where they resided for a brief year and a half, when they came to Refugio county, settling on Hines' bay. The family came to Bee county in 1854, locating at Blanconia, where, near that place on September 5, 1858 Susie was united in matrimony to John WEED. They resided at Blanconia for a year or longer following their marriage and Mrs. WEED has continued to reside in the county practically all the time since, being one of the earliest settlers still living.

Eleven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. WEED, eight of whom still live. Mary Nellie died at the age of eighteen months, a son J. C., died at the age of 13 months, and a second son, Richard H. died at the age of 22 years, his death occurring in 1902 in this city shortly after he returned from east Texas, where he had been employed. Mr. WEED died at Lapara in 1905, the remains being laid to rest in the Salt Creek cemetery, which is in the western part of Bee county.

The children surviving are Mesdames S. J. MALEY, A. L. GIVENS, and G. V. GIVENS of this city; L. E. DAVID, Robstown; M. L. WELBORN and Inez CRAWFORD, Oakville; and Ora NEWBERRY, Green. The only surviving son is Floyd WEED of Karon.

Mrs. WEED's father, Louis CAMPBELL, was a member of the first commissioners court held in Bee county, and her brother, J. D. CAMPBELL, was the first sheriff. It is her recollection that he was serving as sheriff when the late unpleasantness between the north and south broke out and that he resigned to be among the first to enlist in the Lost Cause.

Relatives other than children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren present included W. L. WHITEHURST, Sinton; Mrs. J. F. TAYLOR and Mrs. C. C. HANEY, city; J. M. NEWBERRY, Green; Howard CUSER, city; and Walter DAVID, Robstown, the last three being sons-in-law.

Guests included Mrs. Jim NEW, Mrs. Amos H. BARBER, Mrs. Ella LEWIS, J. M. PREWITT and Geo. H. ATKINS, city; Mrs. Mary D. COVILLE, Sinton; Mrs. Henry LEWIS and George CRAWFORD, Oakville.

"Grandma" Weed has 33 grandchildren and 47 great grandchildren. There were eight grown men among the grandchildren present at the dinner yesterday.

Mrs. WEED has always had a keen sense of humor and yesterday she was joking and enjoying every moment of the time. It was the first time she had had all her children together at one time in years, she said and she was very happy over it.