History of Glenwood Cemetery

Beeville Bee, 12 December 1900

"The survey and platting of the new cemetery grounds recently purchased by Undertaker ROTZIEN have been completed. The tract is on the Goliad road about one mile from the center of the city and consists of five and one-half acres. It has been laid out into 120 lots, 40 x 40 feet, with a five foot walk between_ These are subdivided into 480 lots, 20 x 20 feet, each fronting the walk on two sides. Two eighteen-foot roadways run through the grounds, making access easy. On its south side it joins the Catholic cemetery from which it is divided by a twenty-five foot space, allowing room for a windmill

The need of a new cemetery has been apparent for years. The old cemetery, consisting of about two and a half acres, has been in use about thirty-five years and is almost completely filled with graves, which have been dug without any system whatever. On several occasions recently, old and unmarked graves have been dug into in making new ones, and it is evident that it will shortly have to be closed. Another argument in favor of the new cemetery is that there are no titles to the burial plots in the old cemetery, and friction will likely, and already has occurred, where graves have been dug on plots not entirely filled, but appropriated for future use of families. As there are no titles to the land, it belonging to the public, it is contended one individual has as much right to unappropriated ground as another. In the new cemetery conflicts cannot arise, as deeds will be given to the burial plots and they will be held free from intrusion."