Evergreen Cemetery

Beeville Bee-Picayune, 27 Oct 1967
submitted by Kay Pacheco

The site of the Evergreen Cemetery (located on East Bowie Street) was already being used for burial ground in 1862 when the Commissioners Court bought it and set it aside for a county graveyard. It is not known whether a charge was ever made for the lots.

Evergreen Cemetery was awarded an official state historical marker some years ago. It is Block 1 of Beeville's town site, donated in 1859 by Anne Burke. It was first owned by G.W. McClanahan. The land was bought by Bee County for a "public burying place." In 1872, H.W. Wilson donated the northeast strip. Land was added on the northwest, and the commissioner's court gave consent for a fence.

The Cemetery began restoration in 1970. Maintenance, restoration, preservation and beautification are ongoing goals. All members of the county and community are encouraged to help Evergreen Cemetery attain its goals to protect and respect it as a county owned cemetery.

Excerpts from Bee Picayune, Wed. Dec. 10, 1997; "Interest has been high over the restoration of Bee County's historic Evergreen Cemetery," said Patricia (Cox) Shaw, who is president of the newly organized Evergreen Cemetery Association. Under her enthusiastic leadership, more individuals are coming to see the cemetery and ask how they may help in restoring, preserving and beautifying Beeville's square block of land bordered by Bowie, Polk, Hefferman and Filmore streets. The property was donated in 1859 by Ann Burke, one of the first Irish Colonists who came to this part of Texas in 1834. The cemetery was purchased by Bee County in 1862 for use as "a public burying ground" and has been cared for by the county's historical society until recently.

"One of the major goals of the association is to get electrical hookups and lighting inside the cemetery, as well as on the land surrounding it," Ms. Shaw noted. "In this way, the cemetery would have lighting for special events and it also would discourage vandalism." Anyone interested in donating funds to the association may send the tax deductible contribution to the Evergreen Cemetery Association, P.O. Box 404, Beeville, TX 78104.

In conclusion:
Evergreen Cemetery Association is seeking addresses and phone numbers of descendants of persons buried in the cemetery. It is the hope of the association to send out a newsletter from time to time, to keep the descendants informed of activities and maintenance related to Evergreen Cemetery. Anyone with knowledge of the addresses of descendants of the following persons buried in the cemetery, please send the information to the address above.