Confederate Reunion

Beeville Weekly Picayune, 4 Apr 1895

The Old Vets Meet and Organize, Camp Walton

Banqueted at the Residence of Capt. D. A. T WALTON and Hospitably, Entertained by that Gentleman and His Estimable Family

The attendance of old veterans last Saturday was far beyond our expectations, we thought that there would be enough to effect an organization and that we would be happy. Imagine, if you can then, our joy when we enrolled seventy-five old boys, and still there are other "precincts to hear from."

By special invitation we assembled at the residence of Lieut. D. A. T WALTON, where he had prepared for us a royal feast consisting of barbecued beef of the best quality and cooked to a T, boiled ham, light bread, coffee, pickles, sugar and cream for the coffee, and parched corn for dessert. Lieut. WALTON gave us genuine old Rio coffee, but said that he had some of the Confederate brand for the younger rebs, or new issue, which was made from parched corn meal. Lieutenant WALTON and his family left nothing undone to make the occasion one of uninterrupted pleasure of the veterans.

At about 11, Lieut. WALTON called the crowd to order, when Major W. S. DUGAT was chosen chairman of the meeting. In a few well chosen words the major stated the object of the meeting and suggested that we elect a Secretary, which was done, R. W. ARCHER being chosen. The veterans were then asked to come up to the secretaries' table and enroll their names, when seventy?five of them did so. Maj. DUGAT then called the attention of the old soldiers and said that there were two things that a Confederate never could learn, one was to be prompt at roll call, the other to stack arms, but that he was now going to give an order that they had never been known to disobey but on the contrary had always performed with an alacrity that was indeed commendable and he had no doubt but that the order would be executed now as in days gone by. "Comrades, I now order you to charge upon the splendid dinner prepared for us by our fellow soldier, Lieut. D. A. T WALTON." As the boys made a break to carry into execution this order, someone said: Three cheers for Dave WALTON, and without any stop in the charge, this host gave evidence of their southern blood by giving vent to the old rebel yell, in honor of Lieut. WALTON, and soon they were making havoc of the sumptuous feast prepared for us. It took about two hours to get through with this engagement ? but the viands, like the federals we fought, were too many for us and we had to retire from the conflict with plenty of roast beef, ham and other tempting food in sight, but we no doubt felt like we had each done his duty on this occasion, at least.

The chairman then ordered us out into the street, where we formed in double rank and proceeded to elect officers for the camp. Major W S. DUGAT was chosen commander, D. A. T. WALTON, lieutenant commander, R. W ARCHER, secretary and G. M. FIZER treasurer. Commander DUGAT issued a verbal order to the camp to rendezvous at the court house in Beeville, at 2 p.m., Saturday, April 13, to adopt a constitution and by?laws for the government of the camp. A committee consisting of W R. HAYES, A. H. KENT, and R. W ARCHER was appointed to draft same. A motion that the commander and the lieutenant be added to said committee, was made and carried. The following is a complete roster of Camp WALTON, U. C. V., this name being chosen amid much enthusiasm:
W S. DUGAT, Co. C, Wall's Legion
T. R. ATKINS, K, 21st Texas cavalry
L D. ATKINS, K, 21st Texas cavalry
R. B. BLOOMFIELD, K, 21st Texas cavalry
W. W SANSOM, G, 19th Texas infantry
John BILSEN, Atchafalian Home Guards
T. R. ALLSUP, E, Waller's bat., Green's brigade
J. B. SHELTON, G, 47th Ala. cavalry
Smith RAGSDALE, B, 9th Texas cavalry
S. D. EZELL, K, 4th Ky.
W. W. PEARCE, B, 23d Ala. infantry
G. B. KING, G, 2d Arizona cavalry
G. W. SLATER, A, 8th Texas infantry
W. H. BRIDGE, K, 21st Texas cavalry
J. D. MARKHAM, C, Freeman's brigade, N. C.
Adolph HALE, B, 4th Texas cavalry
D. L. NEWBERRY, Wall's Legion, Texas
G. W FOSTER, L, 15th Ala infantry
R. M. ROBINSON, O, 2d Texas cavalry
J. H. SMELTZER, A, Mosby's command
A. JOHNSON, A, 15th Ark. infantry
R. McMENEMY, B, 25th La.
T. C. THETFORD, C, 6th Texas infantry
D. F. COUCH, D, 1st Arkansas cavalry
W. C. HOWERMAN, C, 6th Texas infantry
A. G. BARDWELL, Montgomery's company A, Mississippi
F. M. ELLIS, G, 8th Texas cavalry
A. H. KENT, B, Cresent regiment, La. vol.
W. R. HAYES, Pyron's regiment, Edward's company
S. B. CALLAWAY, with Gen. Price in Missouri
T. A. DEATS, A, 32d Texas
J. D. HARVEY, E, 21 st Texas cavalry
J. T. MEEK, B, 17th Texas infantry
T. L. ADAMS, 9th La. infantry
R. J. SMITH, A, 4th Texas cavalry
J. B. MADRAY, F, 8th Texas infantry
J. M. MUCKLEROY, C, 13th Texas infantry
B. J. O'REILLEY, A, lst Texas cavalry
W. B. STOVALL, Capt. Co. F, 27th La. infantry
J. .C. NAILER, F, 3d Ga. infantry
R. W. ARCHER, K, 5th Alabama, lst Ala. cavalry, and 23rd Ala. infantry
D. A. T WALTON, K, 21 st Texas cavalry
W. O. POTTER, C, 17th Ala. infantry
J. L. BLACKBURN, I, 42d Ga. infantry
J. C. THOMPSON, D, 32d Texas cavalry
A. A. HARRIS, C, 22d Texas cavalry
Geo. M. FIZER, C, 12th Texas infantry
D. T. W. NANCE, G, 3d Arkansas infantry
J. W. NICHOLSON, G, 17th Texas cavalry
W F. RAPE, A, 17th Texas infantry
D. W. MERRTT, A, Texas light artillery
T. J. WILSON, A, 28th Missouri cavalry
J. H. GRIFFS, I, Ailen's regiment, Walker's division
Duff HALE, B, 4th Texas cavalry
L B. GARNER, D, 5th Texas cavalry
G. W FOSTER, L, 15th Ala. infantry
J. W. BILLINGSLEY, Deshield's art, Texas
E. C. WHITE, B, 14th Miss. cavalry
R. A. EZELL, Pyron's Texas bat.
B. C. BRASHEAR, F, Texas infantry
Jno. W. COOK, Capt. A. C. Jones' company, Benivedes' regiment
H. H. HASKAL, B, Engineer's troop, Texas
W. M. DUGAT, I, 25th Texas cavalry
Sam JACK, C, Stewart's Ala. regiment
D. SAFFOLD, I, 1st S. C. art.
T. A. AUSTIN, K, Walthall's reg. Miss.
M. THOMAS, B, 8th Texas cavalry
L. F. ROBERTS, Wall's Legion
R. M. JENKINS, Chalmer's cavalry, Miss.
W. W. BELLOW, I, 30th Va.
Amos BARBOUR, Mean's company, Texas
J. C. McMICKLE, K, 18th Ga. infantry
W. B. ROBERTS, A, Hopp's brigade, Texas
W. STEVENSON, H, 13th Texas infantry
J. T. MUCKLEROY, C, 13th Texas infantry
J. W. ADKINS, B, Warthimer's reg., Green's brigade
S. P. H. WILLIAMS, Texas army.