Campo Santo

Burial ground off Refugio Highway (not accessible to public)
Situated on headright of an 1829 settler, Jeremiah O'Toole, ~ from New York. The isolated oak log home of O'Toole stood on San Patricio-La Bahia Road; his family fled repeatedly from H Indians or invading armies. In time other pioneers built homes nearby in Corrigan settlement (named for O'Toole's son-in-law). Community is now extinct. Ten acres were donated in 1871 by Ellen O'Toole Corrigan and brother, Martin, as site for ~ Sacred Heart of Jesus Church (now razed) and grounds. This cemetery is a reminder of the courageous pioneer settlers.
Inscribed on back:
Early settlers included Jack Barry, B.F. Burns, John Corrigan, Nicholas Dunn, D.C. Grover, John F. Hynes, William Kennedy, P.F. Latting of Lattington Store, William Leahy, D.R. May, Hugh J. O?eilly, storekeepers D.S. and Carolina Page, Phil Welder.