About Early Doctors in Bee County

This material was found in the files of Dr. Ernest E. MILLER, after his death, and was furnished by his daughter for publication in 1991. Dr. Miller had gathered the following information for the Centennial of Bee County, celebrated in 1958. (Notes in italics were added by this editor.)

ADKINS, John James (brother of Lock ADKINS): Born in Cleburne, Texas, 3 March 1859, to Joel Walker ADKINS and Mary Elizabeth (DAVIS) ADKINS; he married Emma Josephine TRICE, 6 March 1878, in Iola, Grimes Co., Texas. About the age of 25 or 26 he decided to study medicine and studied in the office of an uncle who was a doctor. Then he went to Vanderbilt University during the winters and worked in the summers, until he had the necessary license, or certificate, whatever was required at that time for the practice of medicine. (He already had a family of four children). In 1890 he moved with his family to Blanconia, in Bee County, Texas, which at that time was a rather densely populated country community. Money was scarce among his patients, and more often than not, he was paid with cotton seed, corn, cord wood, etc. However, he never refused to make a call because the patient couldn't pay, and no matter what hour of the day or night, or how tired he was, when the "hello" at the gate came, he hitched his fast trotting horses to the buggy and took out. And once, when he returned from setting the collar bone of a young boy, and was washing his buggy, his two-year old son fell from the buggy and broke his leg - he had to send for Dr. G. M. STEPHENS of Beeville to come and set the broken limb. It took several hours to make the 21-mile trip by horse and buggy travel, and during that time the mother had to sit and hold the boy until Dr. STEPHENS arrived. The dining table was used for the operation. He moved to Refugio, Texas, June, 1906 and practiced there until his death 13 January 1915. There were nine children born to this marriage.

AUSTIN: Early days, until he died at Pettus.

BECKER: Practiced at Mineral around 1907 - 1908.

BELL, Sam Houston: Born 17 May 1850, Lewisberg, TN. Attended University of Nashville medical school. Married Miss Alice CARPENTER in 1875. Four children were James Conway, Florence, S. H. Jr and Henry W. First practiced at Nashville, TN; came to Beeville in March 1893 and was here ten years; moved to Brownsville in July, 1903, where he died on 12 July 1928.

BOWMAN, Newton: In Bee County after 1914; was a specialist for eye, ear, nose and throat; moved to Mercedes

BRASHEAR: At Mineral

BROWN, Ado: Left here after several years to locate in the Rio Grande Valley.

BROWN, W. O.: At Beeville; went out to Mineral once a month or so in the early 1920's and saw people in the drugstore there for a while.

CARSON: At Cadiz

CAYO, Edward: "Bone man"; moved to San Antonio; brother of Ernest.

CAYO, Ernest P.: In Bee County before 1914; married Lillie HELDENFELS. (Naturalization Records, District Clerk, Bee County Courthouse: Ernest Patrick CAYO, filed declaration of intention 27 June 1911, Eastern Division of Missouri; occupation physician, residing 2901 Dixon Street, St. Louis MO; complexion dark, height 5' 6", weight 140 pounds, hair black, eyes blue, born 11 Feb 1880, Wheatland, Canada; last foreign residence Montreal; emigrated from Sherbrooke, Canada Boston & Maine Railroad; arrived port of Newport, VT; 10 September 1898; petition for naturalization filed 1 February 1918, Bee County; married Anna E. HELDENFELS (born Beeville); one child Constance CAYO, born 14 March 1914, Beeville; resided Texas since 5 July 1909; admitted to citizenship 11 May 1918.)

CREATH, L. B.: In Bee County 189 or 1890, until about 1896; was responsible for establishment of Commercial National Bank and was its first President. He did not practice medicine. He came to Beeville from Brenham. (Dr. L. B. Creath died at his home at Charco, Goliad County, on 10 Jan 1899.)

EGBERT, Orville E.: No other information.

EIDSON: Practiced in Bee County about 1906 or 1907; uncle of Lois and Dena EIDSON. GOBER: In Bee County 1890/1891; "quite a dresser"; wore plug hat and fork-tailed coat. Moved to Beaumont from Beeville, where he had a drugstore in 1894.

GRIFFIN, L. L: Practiced at Beeville Hospital about 1915.

HAYNES, Willard: Came to Bee County from Lavaca County; office was in the back end of the First National Bank building.

HORNER: Practiced at Mineral some time before 1900.

HUNTER, Dr. J. B.: In Bee County from the mid 1890's until his death; lived at Skidmore; married Miss "Dot" SKIDMORE.

IRWIN, Clyde: Practiced at Mineral about 1911 - 1915.

JOHNSON, T. W.: Was at Papalote in 1880, later Corpus Christi; then at Beeville from 1886/1887 until his death. By 1894 he had had a stroke that affected his right side. He then learned to write with his left hand, legibly. A fine M. D.

KIETH: Practiced at Clareville.

LANDER, Jesse Harper: Born 16 January 1884, Mississippi; attended Southwestern Medical College, Dallas, Texas; practiced at Beeville Hospital before Dr. GRIFFIN; went to Victoria in 1919 and died 19 October 1935.

LIGHTSEY, John N.: Practiced at Clareville; married Miss Grace NAYLOR; moved to Cotulla.

LOGSDON, Francis Marion: In Bee County in late 1890's; had a home near Presbyterian Church and owned a farm at Viggo. He was a "small man". Mrs. LOGSDON is said to have weighed 400 lbs. After her husband's death, she married a Mr. GARNER. That was about 1900 when the doctor died of tuberculosis.

LONG: In Bee County in early days; was grandfather of Lloyd LONG.

MALONE, J. A.: No other information.

MARKHAM: Came to Beeville 1890-91 from Paragould, Arkansas. Moved to Waco about 1905 and died there.

McGREW: At Blanconia before 1880, until his death. He was known as "Dr. Puddin-Foot".

McMAHON, John: Lived at Mineral before World War I when he left to go into the service. He held a high rank.

MOFFETT: In Beeville about 1910.

MOORE: At Mineral around 1898 for several years.

MOTT: In Beeville about 1888 for a short time. "Went to Brownsville on horseback."

NEELEY, Houston: Born Grimes Co., TX, 1 June 1866; graduated University of Louisville in Kentucky. Married Margaret O'SULLIVAN on 3 April 1907 and lived in Pearsall (and Tilden?) until they moved to Beeville in November, 1910. Two years before his death (26 January 1939), Dr. NEELEY celebrated his 50th anniversary in medicine - 1937.

NOTT: In Beeville before 1887.

NUNNELY, J. L.: (Information from Bee County Medical Register, dated 19 November 1907) Born 16 February 1865 at Taladega, Alabama; post office address in 1907 was Clareville, TX; School of Medicine was Alopath.

PARR, L. E.: Had a drugstore where Shamrock Cafe later was, from 1890 until his death (except for a short time spent in Colorado). Dr. PARR used Lloyd's medicines - specific tincture - different from those prescribed by local doctors at a later time.

POFF, C. M.: Resided at Tuleta; also practiced at Mineral.

PRATHER, R. M.: In Beeville 1910 - 1912; left for service in World War I.

RAGLAND: In 1904 he sold drugstore where Ballard's was to J. T. BALLARD and Jimmie O'CONNOR, who named the store the B & 0.

REAGAN, Charles Haskins: Born at Helena, Texas in 1869, he married Miss Susie Elizabeth BROWN of Cuero. They lived at Oakville where Dr. REAGAN practiced medicine before coming to Beeville in 1913. He was a graduate of Tulane. He always shook hands when greeting friends. Dr. REAGAN died in 1932.

SCHULTZ: In Bee County in the 1920's; was an eye-ear-nose & throat specialist

SEYMOUR, F. B.: In Beeville and Skidmore 1891 - 1901; came from Lavaca County where he practiced at Breslau community. He was born at Columbus; married Miss Irene HATCH of Papalote; died 8 October 1911.

SMITH: Here in 1889 or 1890 for a few years. He had a crippled hand; drove good horses. He had left Beeville by 1894.

STEPHENS, G. M.: In 1886 he married Mattie MALONE, sister of Fred MALONE. They lived in Bremond. They came to Beeville about 1888 where he practiced medicine until 1916, when he retired. Owned a drugstore. He died in 1932.

THURSTON, D. M.: In Beeville by 1887 until his death. He came here from Ohio. Was called to neighboring towns of Tilden, Goliad, etc. He-wrote many prescriptions, and brought many doctors to Beeville, among whom were Drs. MARKHAM, LOGSDON, STEPHENS and MOFFETT. He married Mollie BURKE, oldest daughter of Pat BURKE.

TOY, CLINTON: Practiced in Mineral for several years around 1900.

TURNER, Andrew Jackson: Practiced in Bee County from 1909 - 1943. He came here from Bronte, Texas. Graduated Memphis Medical; attended University of Texas and Tulane. Married Lelia Tullos. Was president of the district Medical Society for several terms.