Special Agreements recorded in Probate Book A

(Index on back pages of this volume)

Page 179: Memorandum of an Agreement made 5 October 1883 between J. J. WELDER of San Patrico County, and Luke HART of Bee County - division of Isaac ROBINSON League of Land in Bee County, Texs, as surveyed and marked by James 0. GAFNEY, Esq. Witness: Felix J. HART.

Page 180: Indenture dated 1 January 1884 - Apprenticeship of James HERMIS (age 16), son of E. HERMIS, to R. McMENEMY of Bee County, until 1 January 1887; said McMENEMY to teach and instruct said apprentice in art, trade and skill of a Blacksmith and provide "sufficient meat, drink, apparel washing and lodging and medical attendance in case of sickness and shall treat said apprentice humanely."

Page 185: Agreement dated 16 December 1886, between W. W. JONES of Bee County and Charles B. GLENN of Bexar County, Texas to deliver 300 head of cows (or more) to be pastured for three years, five miles Northwest of town of Beeville. Provisions for branding calves, etc. Witnesses: N. A. YOUNG and W. S. HADLEY.

Page 187: Declaration dated 3 August 1887, by W. C. BREALEY, of intention to become a citizen of the United States; now aged 33, arrived in the United States of America 28 September 1872; renounced allegiance to Queen of Great Britain and India and Empress of Ireland.

Page 189: Bill of sale dated 10 April 1888, J. T. BYUS, doing business as J. T. BYUS & Co., to W. J. LOTT of Goliad County, and Robert YOWARD of Bee County, Texas; entire stock of merchandise, and "weights, seales, desks, safe measures and all portable fixtures belonging thereto", for the amount of $1,600.

Page 208: Document dated 11 March 1887, granting permission by M. V. JORDAN, M. D., Medical Examiner, 9th Judicial District of Texas, to Dr. Geo. MOTT of Village Mills, Hardin County, Texas, to practice medicine in the State of Texas.

Page 210: Order dated 10 September 1888 by Robert A. LANCASTER to HERRING & Co., 251 & 252 Broadway, New York City, for a No. 12 size safe, for the price of $150.00.

Page 211: Agreement dated 11 February 1889, between H. C. HATFIELD, J. J. WYRICK and Prof. Peter DE LA GARDE, to pay HATFIELD $5.00 per week and one meal a day for his interest in the business.

Page 212: Release dated 28 March 1894 from W. 0. POTTER and L. C. CAUL to McKNIGHT Bros., (Contractors of the Public School Building) to H. M. BARGLEBAUGH, subcontractor for material and labor. Witness: I. J. MILLER.