Texas Family Group Sheet for the Joel Marion WALKER Family

Husband: Joel Marion WALKER
Birthdate: January 1, 1851
Birth place: Tarrant Co. TX
Death date: May 16, 1946
Place of death: Nolan Co. TX
Father: Hubbard Peyton WALKER
Mother: Elizabeth LEAKE

Marriage date: April 15, 1874
Marriage place: TX

Wife: Jessie Emaline HINSHAW
Birthdate: July 2, 1857
Birth place: Smith Co. TX (near Tyler)
Death date: December 8, 1932
Place of death: Nolan Co. TX
Father: Jesse HINSHAW
Mother: Nancy MILLER


Child No. 1: John Hubbard WALKER
Sex: M
Birthdate: January 25, 1877
Birth place: TX
Death date: March 28, 1957
Place of death: San Angelo, Tom Green Co. TX
Marriage date: May 27, 1900
Marriage place: Fisher Co. TX
Spouse's name: Susan Ada SAWYERS (sis to Mollie)

Child No. 2: James Jesse WALKER
Sex: M
Birthdate: July 16, 1879
Birth place: Travis Co. TX
Death date: July 26, 1968
Place of death: Dawson Co. TX
Marriage date: May 19, 1903
Marriage place: Fisher Co. TX
Spouse's name: Mollie Ethel SAWYERS (sis to Susan)

Child No. 3: Carrie M. WALKER
Sex: F
Birthdate: June 25, 1881
Birth place: Llano Co. TX
Death date: October 31, 1966
Place of death: Robert Lee, Coke Co. TX
Marriage date: June 28, 1900
Marriage place: Fisher Co. TX
Spouse's name: Tom RIVES

Child No. 4: EvDora WALKER
Sex: F
Birthdate: April 23, 1882
Birth place: Llano Co. TX
Death date: December 9, 1974
Place of death: Howard Co. TX
Marriage date: August 1, 1906
Marriage place: Nolan Co. TX
Spouse's name: Albert S. ASHLEY

Child No. 5: **Marthana Jane "Tenny" Walker
Birthdate: January 14, 1886
Birth place: Buzzard Roost, Llano Co. TX
Death date: March 14, 1983
Place of death: Bonham, Fannin Co. TX
Marriage date: March 4, 1907
Marriage place: Sweetwater, Nolan Co. TX
Spouse's name: George Washington "Dick" FINLEY, JR.

Child No. 6: Robert Lee "Bob" WALKER
Sex: M
Birthdate: February 18, 1892
Birth place: Llano Co. TX
Death date: May 7, 1984
Place of death: Lovington, New Mexico
Marriage date: August 27, 1916
Marriage place: Iredell, Bosque Co. TX
Spouse's name: Linnie A. HERRING

Child No. 7: Fred Isaac WALKER
Sex: M
Birthdate: September 29, 1896
Birth place: Fisher Co. TX
Death date: October 24, 1991
Place of death: buried in Nolan Co. TX
Marriage date: October 21, 1925
Marriage place: TX
Spouse's name: Lizzie Mae WILLIAMS
* An abstract(40 pages) made in Tarrant Co. TX because of a dispute over how many heirs Joel Walker, grandfather of Joel Marion, had at his death. (150 + heirs) This document lists each child and children and some grandchildren.
* Henderson Co. TX;
* Nolen Co. TX,
* Fisher Co. TX,
* Collin Co. TX.
* And others.

* James Jesse Walker and John Hubbard Walker married SAWYER sisters.

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