Texas Family Group Sheet for the Eugene Ferdinand von BODUNGEN Family

Husband: Eugene Ferdinand VON BODUNGEN
Birthdate: 12/9/1857
Birth place: Germany
Death date: 3/9/1912
Place of death: Texas
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown

Marriage date: 5/23/1878
Marriage place: Colorady County, Texas

Wife: Ida BURGER
Birthdate: 10/5/1859
Birth place: Texas
Death date: 3/19/1939
Place of death: Texas
Father: Christus Burger
Mother: Mina Shelby


Child No. 1: Alma BODUNGEN
Sex: F
Birthdate: unknown
Birth place: Texas
Death date: unknown
Place of death: Texas
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouse's name: MilfordFrank Lucas

Child No. 2: Helena BODUNGEN
Sex: F
Birthdate: 6/18/1882
Birth place: Texas
Death date: 8/17/1930
Place of death: Texas
Marriage date: 8/17/1903
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: John Henry KOENIG

Child No. 3: Louessa (Louise) BODUNGEN
Sex: F
Birthdate: 7/15/1883
Birth place: Texas
Death date: 7/10/1966
Place of death: Texas
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: Milford Frank LUCAS

Child No. 4: Otto BODUNGEN
Sex: M
Birthdate: 9/30/1890
Birth place: Texas
Death date: 1/10/1930
Place of death: Texas
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouse's name: unknown

Child No. 5: Leo BODUNGEN
Birthdate: 9/16/1892
Birth place: Texas
Death date: 7/14/1986
Place of death: Texas
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: Olga Schoenfield

Child No. 6: Elnora Sofa BODUNGEN
Sex: F
Birthdate: 11/15/1894
Birth place: Texas
Death date: 12/3/1978
Place of death: Texas
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: Arthur A. SMITH

Child No. 7: Edd (Buddy) BODUNGEN
Sex: M
Birthdate: 12/4/1896
Birth place: Texas
Death date: 2/8/1947
Place of death: Texas
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: Lula HENDERSON
* Family,
* Cemeteries,
* Birth & Death Records.

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