Texas Family Group Sheet for the Robert Oliver STEPHENSON Family

Husband: Robert Oliver STEPHENSON
Birthdate: March 31, 1851
Birth place: Benton County, AL
Death date: March 23, 1930
Place of death: Nocona, Montague County, TX
Father: Robert S. STEPHENSON
Mother: Margaret A. COPPOCK

Marriage date: 1895
Marriage place: probably Montague County, TX

Wife: Mattie M. OFFILL
Birthdate: August 1870
Birth place: Illinois
Death date: June 1918
Place of death: Montague County, TX
Mother: Susan


Child No. 1: Offill ("Offie" or "Steve") W. STEPHENSON
Sex: M
Birthdate: June 6, 1896
Birth place: Montague County, TX
Death date: December, 1980
Place of death: Duncan, Stephens Co., OK
Marriage date: 1928
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Minnie

Child No. 2: Sue Ethyl STEPHENSON
Sex: F
Birthdate: October 11, 1897
Birth place: Montague County, TX
Death date: January 11, 1987
Place of death: Comanche, Stephens County, OK
Marriage date: 1920
Marriage place: Stephens County, OK
Spouse's name: Lee RIGGS

Child No. 3: Audie STEPHENSON
Sex: F
Birthdate: May 31, 1902
Birth place: Montague County, TX
Death date: August 1968
Place of death: Wichita Falls, Wichita County, TX
Marriage date: 1918
Marriage place: Montague County, TX
Spouse's name: Zele Earl Smith

Child No. 4: Teddy STEPHENSON
Sex: M
Birthdate: August 10, 1908
Birth place: Montague County, TX
Death date: December 16, 1987
Place of death: Duncan, Stephens County, OK
Marriage date: 1932-1933
Marriage place: Stephens County, OK
Spouse's name: Jewell
* Marriage records of Cleburne County, AL, and Montague County, TX.
* Death records for TX and CA.
* Social Security Death Index.
* Census records.
* Marriage dates estimated based on 1930 census info. about age at marriage.
* Cemetery records in Stephens and Jefferson counties, OK, and Vernon, Wilbarger County, TX.
* Family info. from Hattie STEPHENSON COFFLAND.

* Robert and 2nd wife Mattie were buried in Jefferson Co., OK.

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