Texas Family Group Sheet for the John Adam STEELE Family

Husband: John Adam STEELE
Birthdate: 9 March 1891
Birthplace: Smith County Texas
Death date: 21 July 1931
Place of death: Smith County Texas
Burial: Whitehouse, Texas
Father: John Wesley STEELE
Mother: Ella Zeldah Altonia SMITH

Marriage date: 6 May 1917
Marriage place: Smith County Texas

Wife: Myrtle Vera TIPPS
Birthdate: 13 February 1899
Birthplace: Smith County Texas
Death date: 26 December 1871
Place of death: Tyler, Smith County, Texas
Burial: Whitehouse, Texas
Father: James Elisha TIPPS
Mother: Margaret YARBROUGH


Child No. 1: James Tullis
Sex: M
Birthdate: 23 March 1918
Birthplace: Smith County Texas
Death date:
Place of death: Smith County Texas
Burial: Whitehouse, Texas
Marriage date: 29 October 1939
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: Beatrice Rowland AGNEW

Child No. 2: John Melvin
Sex: M
Birthdate: 11 May 1920
Birthplace: Smith County Texas
Death date: 10 November 1986
Place of death: Smith County Texas
Burial: Tyler, Texas
Marriage date: 23 September 1939
Marriage place: Athens, Henderson Co. Texas
Spouse's name: Annibel PORTER

Child No. 3: LIVING
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Ila Marie
Sex: F
Birthdate: 30 September 1924
Birthplace: Smith County Texas
Death date: 13 December 2008
Place of death: Tyler, Smith County, Texas
Burial: Whitehouse, Texas
Marriage date: 21 December 1939
Marriage place: Smith County, Texas
Spouse's name: Jessie Price JOHNSON

Child No. 5: Curtis Ray
Sex: M
Birthdate: 4 August 1927
Birthplace: Smith County Texas
Death date: 18 June 1929
Place of death: Smith County Texas
Burial: Whitehouse, Texas
Marriage date: NA
Marriage place: NA
Spouse's name: NA

Child No. 6: LIVING
Birth place:
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* Family Bible,
* Family History,
* Marriage Records,
* Death records.

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