Texas Family Group Sheet for the Joshua O. Spencer Family

Husband: Joshua O. SPENCER
Birthdate: September 10,1851
Birth place: Selma, Dallas Co, Alabama
Death date: January 18,1923
Place of death: Redwater, Bowie Co, Texas
Burial: Redwater Cemetery
Father: William Saladin Spencer
Mother: Lucinda Morris

Marriage date: December 23,1877
Marriage place: Oxford, Lafayette Co, Mississippi

Wife: Emmonds ROEBUCK
Birthdate: August 22,1857
Birth place: Oxford, Lafayette Co, Mississippi
Death date: February 10,1942
Place of death: Redwater, Bowie Co, Texas
Burial: Redwater Cemetery
Father: Kelroy Roebuck
Mother: Susan Catherine King


Child No. 1: Cuthbert Spencer
Sex: M
Birthdate: October 18,1878
Birth place: Oxford, Lafayette Co, Mississippi
Death date: May 9,1932
Place of death: Rockport, Aransas Co, Texas
Burial: Rockport Cemetery
Marriage date: December 22,1898
Marriage place: Oxford, Lafayette Co, Mississippi
Spouse's name: Thursey Camilla McBeth

Child No. 2: Gaskell R. Spencer
Sex: M
Birthdate: January 28,1880
Birth place: Oxford, Lafayette Co, Mississippi
Death date: December 30,1969
Place of death: Texarkana, Bowie Co, Texas
Burial: Redwater Cemetery
Marriage date: March 17,1901
Marriage place: Oxford, Lafayette Co, Mississippi (?)
Spouse's name: Mary Edna Robertson

Child No. 3: Irwin Spencer
Sex: M
Birthdate: October 20,1881
Birth place: Oxford, Lafayette Co, Mississippi
Death date: September 11,1882
Place of death: Oxford, Lafayette Co, Mississippi
Burial: Kingdom Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Eula Spencer
Sex: F
Birthdate: April 14,1885
Birth place: Oxford, Lafayette Co, Mississippi
Death date: April 16,1956
Place of death: Redwater, Bowie Co, Texas
Burial: Redwater Cemetery
Marriage date: abt. 1903
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Samuel Earl Lynch, Sr

Child No. 5: Emil Spencer
Sex: M
Birthdate: January 10,1887
Birth place: Water Valley, Yalobusha Co, Mississippi
Death date: May 18,1982
Place of death: Hopkins Co, Texas
Marriage date: September 3,1911
Burial: Redwater Cemetery
Marriage place: Bowie Co, Texas
Spouse's name: Alyce Knight

Child No. 6: Nadine Spencer
Sex: F
Birthdate: July 4,1888
Birth place: Oxford, Lafayette Co, Mississippi
Death date: January 24,1974
Place of death: Texarkana, Bowie Co, Texas
Burial: Redwater Cemetery
Marriage date: December 26,1907
Marriage place: Texarkana, Bowie Co, Texas
Spouse's name: Walter Marcellus Johnson

Child No. 7: Guy Spencer
Sex: M
Birthdate: July 22,1890
Birth place: Oxford, Lafayette Co, Mississippi
Death date: September 6,1953
Place of death: Redwater, Bowie Co, Texas
Burial: Redwater Cemetery
Marriage date: August 30,1919
Marriage place: Bowie Co, Texas
Spouse's name: Sally "Audrey" Hamm

Child No. 8: Cowan Spencer
Sex: M
Birthdate: July 21,1892
Birth place: Oxford, Lafayette Co, Mississippi
Death date: November 27,1894
Place of death: Oxford, Lafayette Co, Mississippi
Burial: Kingdom Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

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