Texas Family Group Sheet for the James Franklin Smith Family #2

Husband: James Franklin SMITH
Birthdate: 17 July 1861
Birthplace: Harrison County, TX
Death date: 23 July 1948
Place of death: Hooks, Bowie County, TX
Father: Thomas M. Smith
Mother: Martha A. Mathson

Marriage date: 1882
Marriage place: Bowie County, TX

Birthdate: Abt. 1863
Birthplace: Texas
Death date: Abt. 1889
Place of death: Bowie County, TX
Father: William Carr Caddenhead
Mother: Susan Sides


Child No. 1: Martha Jane Smith
Sex: F
Birthdate: 9 October 1883
Birthplace: Bowie County, TX
Death date: 23 January 1915
Place of death: Dekalb, Bowie County, TX
Marriage date: 16 July 1899
Marriage place: Bowie County, TX
Spouse's name: William Pinkney White

Child No. 2: Andrew J. Smith
Sex: M
Birthdate: 28 February 1885
Birthplace: Bowie County, TX
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date: 18 March 1920
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Bessie Bruce

Child No. 3: William Henderson Smith
Sex: M
Birthdate: 24 January 18889
Birthplace: Bowie County, TX
Death date: 22 April 1971
Place of death: Vineland, NJ
Marriage date: April 1918
Marriage place: London, England
Spouse's name: Maude Kellog
* Bessie Bruce Smith & Annie White.

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