Texas Family Group Sheet for the Henry Thomas SLAUGHTER Family

Husband: Henry Thomas SLAUGHTER
Birthdate: 16 APR 1839
Birthplace: Jasper Co., GA
Death date: 07 DEC 1900
Place of death: Madison Co., TX
Burial: Burrows Cemetery, Madison Co., TX
Father: Thomas K. SLAUGHTER
Mother: Matilda HAIRSTON

Marriage date: 12 MAY 1861
Marriage place: Pike Co., AL

Wife: Celestia Roxanna LATIMER
Birthdate: 22 AUG 1845
Birthplace: Sparta, Hancock Co., GA
Death date: 08 JAN 1925
Place of death: Geneva, Geneva Co., AL
Burial: Geneva City Cemetery?
Father: Joel LATIMER, of VA
Mother: Martha ALFORD, of GA


Child No. 1: Minnie Josephine SLAUGHTER
Sex: F
Birthdate: JUL 1865
Birthplace: Alabama
Death date: 1910
Place of death: Geneva, AL
Burial: Geneva City Cemetery
Marriage date: 13 MAR 1890
Marriage place: Geneva, Geneva Co., AL
Spouse's name: Charles Reuben KEITH

Child No. 2: Sidney Boynton SLAUGHTER
Sex: M
Birthdate: 19 APR 1868
Birthplace: Scott Co., Mississippi
Death date: 06 NOV 1954
Place of death: Connor Community, TX
Burial: Madisonville, Madison Co., TX
Marriage date: 16 DEC 1891
Marriage place: Madison Co., TX
Spouse's name: Annie Kate SIMONTON

Child No. 3: Albert J. SLAUGHTER
Sex: M
Birthdate: about 1870
Birthplace: probably Madison Co., TX
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date: about 1920
Marriage place: Madison Co., TX
Spouse's name: Mary E. (?)

Child No. 4: Johnnie L. SLAUGHTER
Sex: F
Birthdate: MAY 1871
Birthplace: Geneva, Geneva Co., AL
Death date: JAN/FEB 1903
Place of death: Geneva, Geneva Co., AL
Burial: Geneva City Cemetery
Marriage date: 13 MAY 1898
Marriage place: Geneva County, AL
Spouse's name: Luther Gillis McKINNON

Child No. 5: John SLAUGHTER
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1876
Birthplace: Alabama
Death date: died young
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 6: Harry SLAUGHTER
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1879
Birthplace: Alabama
Death date: died young
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 7: Willie Lee SLAUGHTER
Sex: F
Birthdate: 31 AUG 1884
Birthplace: Madisonville, Madison Co., TX
Death date: FEB 1982
Place of death: Quincy, Gadsden Co., FL
Burial: Hillcrest Cemetery
Marriage date: 18 JUL 1905
Marriage place: Geneva, Geneva Co., AL
Spouse's name: Luther Gillis McKINNON
* Census records,
* Newspapers,
* LDS family search,
* Family history.

* Census records indicate Celestia and Henry Slaughter had eleven children, only five surviving to adulthood.
* Sisters Johnnie and Willie both married Luther Gillis McKinnon. Johnnie died of childbirth complications giving birth to twin boys.
* Henry Slaughter served in the Confederacy and was murdered by a robbery in his home in Madisonville on 07 DEC 1900. (From Geneva newspaper article).

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