Texas Family Group Sheet for the William Bogart SHUMATE Family

Husband: William Bogart SHUMATE
Birthdate: 1862
Birthplace: Rains Co. TX
Death date:
Place of death:
Father: William R. SHUMATE
Mother: Susan

Marriage date: Jan. 23, 1881
Marriage place: Rains Co. TX

Wife: Mary Elizabeth SHOOK
Birthdate: 1862
Birthplace: Rains Co. TX
Death date: 1920
Place of death: Malakoff, Henderson Co. TX
Father: John Franklin SHOOK
Mother: Mary Rachel SHOOK


Child No. 1: Aaron SHUMATE
Sex: m
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 2: William Houston SHUMATE
Sex: m
Birthdate: Nov. 20, 1881
Birthplace: Emory, Rains Co. TX
Death date: Jan. 9, 1962
Place of death: Malakoff, Henderson Co. TX
Marriage date: Sept. 20, 1903
Marriage place: Malakoff, Henderson Co. TX
Spouse's name: Mettie Beatrice WRIGHT

Child No. 3: Nora Ulena SHUMATE
Sex: f
Birthdate: Oct. 1883
Birthplace: Emory, Rains Co. TX
Death date: 1938
Place of death: Henderson Co. TX
Marriage date: Oct. 10, 1901
Marriage place: Rains Co. TX
Spouse's name: Cornelius L."Neely" LEE
* Personal knowledge,
* Census records,
* Marriage records,
* Death records,
* Family members.

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