Texas Family Group Sheet for the Heinrich SENNE Family #1

Husband: Heinrich SENNE
Birthdate: June 26, 1829
Birthplace: Schaumburg Lippe, Germany
Death date: Apr. 14, 1908
Place of death: Hondo, Texas

Marriage date: 1855
Marriage place: Germany

Wife: Ernestine BRESSO
Birthplace: Germany
Death date: Dec. 22, 1862
Place of death: Germany


Child No. 1: Sophie Ernestine SENNE
Sex: F
Birthdate: July 3, 1856
Birthplace: Nordsehl, Germany
Death date: Sept. 10, 1918
Place of death: Hondo, Texas
Marriage date: May 30, 1874
Marriage place: New Fountain, Texas
Spouse's name: Heinrich HARTMAN

Child No. 2: Caroline Ernestine SENNE
Sex: F
Birthdate: Oct. 11, 1860
Birthplace: Germany
Death date: July 25, 1950
Place of death: Hondo, Texas
Marriage date: July 24, 1880
Marriage place: Quihi, Texas
Spouse's name: John LEINWEBER

Child No. 3: Child SENNE
Birthdate: 1862
Birthplace: Germany
Death date: 1862
Place of death: Germany
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* Medina County Probate records.
* Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Quihi, TExas--records.

* Second husband of Caroline SENNE--George LEINWEBER--married Oct. 24, 1901.

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