Texas Family Group Sheet for the George SCHAEFER Family

Husband: George Washington SCHAEFER (1)
Birthdate: 12-26-1840
Birthplace: Evansville, Indiana
Death date: 9-27-1911
Place of death: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop county
Father: Charles V. SCHAEFER (2)
Mother: Barbary D. (Barbara) (3)

Marriage date: 10-4-1865 (4)
Marriage place: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop County

Wife: Adelheit BOESE (5)
Birthdate: 10-22-1844
Birthplace: unknown
Death date: 7-22-1928
Place of death: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop County
Father: Charles BOESE (6)
Mother: Adelheite unknown (7)


Child No. 1: Barbara Helen SCHAEFER (8)
Sex: Female
Birthdate: 3-9-1873
Birthplace: unknown
Death date: 9-23-1959
Place of death: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop County
Marriage date: 10-14-1891 (9)
Marriage place: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop County
Spouse's name: Alex C KLEINERT (10)

Child No. 2: Charles V SCHAEFER (11)
Sex: Male
Birthdate: 4-12-1874
Birthplace: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop County
Death date: 6-27-1948
Place of death: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop County
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouse's name: unknown

Child No. 3: Mary (Mamie) Josephine SCHAEFER (12)
Sex: Female
Birthdate: 11-18-1894
Birthplace: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop County
Death date: unknown
Place of death: unknown
Marriage date: 1-12-1908
Marriage place: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop County (13)
Spouse's name: Prince Otto ELZNER
(1)(2)(5)(6)(7)(8)(11)(12) Information from Fairview Cemetery records, Bastrop, Texas and from Census records.
(4)(9)(10)(13) Bastrop County Marriage records online, on Bastrop County Website operated by Tammy Owen.
(14) Civil War Pension Application Obtained by Texas State Archives.
(14) George Washington SCHAEFER served in the civil war, was a prisoner. Enlisted as a Confederate in Finney's 3rd Battalion on 11-1-1861. Moved to Bastrop Texas when he was 5 years old. Occupation: Farmer.

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