Texas Family Group Sheet for the Wiley SAUNDERS Family #2

Husband: Wiley SAUNDERS
Birthdate: 1806 - South Carolina
Death date: 1861 - Grapevine Tarrant County, TX
other marriages: unknown 1st wife

Marriage date:
Marriage place:

Wife: Lucinda WALLAS
Birthdate: 7/12/1819
Death date: 2/25/1883 - Grapevine Tarrant County, TX


Child No. 2: John Sherman Saunders
Birthdate: 10/22/1836
Spouse's name: Margaret Neal Stone
Marriage date: 11/22/1865 Tazewell, TN.
Death date: 5/31/1906

Child No. 3: Mary Jane Sanders
Birthdate: 6/14/1838
Spouse's name: William Waine Corbin
Marriage date:
Death date: 8/21/1926 Grapevine Tarrant County, TX

Child No. 4: Martha Emmaline Sanders
Birthdate: 1840
Spouse's name: Calloway Hurst
Marriage date:
Death date: 1920

Child No. 5: Melvina Saunders
Birthdate: 2/7/1843
Spouse's name: George Callaway Corbin Sr.
Marriage date:
Death date: 1/17/1919 Grapevine Tarrant County, TX

Child No. 6: Arminda Saunders
Birthdate: 1/1/1846
Spouse's name: W. Eldridge Pearson
Marriage date:
Death date: 4/16/1918

Child No. 7: Sarah L. Saunders
Birthdate: 1847
Spouse's name:
Marriage date:
Death date: 1863 (probably Claiborne County, TN.)

Child No. 8: William S. Saunders
Birthdate: 1849
Spouse's name: Mary Pearson
Marriage date:
Death date: 1912 Grapevine Tarrant County, TX

Child No. 9: Louisianna S. Saunders
Birthdate: 1851
Spouse's name: John A. Berry
Marriage date:
Death date: 1903 Grapevine Tarrant County, TX

Child No. 10: Perry H. Sanders
Birthdate: 1852
Spouse's name: Louisa Catherine Wallis
Marriage date:
Death date: 1934 Grapevine Tarrant County, TX

Child No. 11: Pleasant F. Saunders
Birthdate: 10/29/1854
Spouse's name: Susan Elizabeth Harrison
Marriage date:
Death date: 10/31/1913 Grapevine Tarrant County TX

Child No. 12: Nancy A. Saunders
Spouse's name: Green Newton or Newton Green
Marriage date:
Death date:

Child No. 13: Elizabeth M. Saunders
Birthdate: 1858
Spouse's name: Thomas J. Harrison
Marriage date:
Death date: 1940

Child No. 14: Wiley Nelson Sanders
Birthdate: 11/30/1860
Spouse's name: [1] Carrie Harrison, [2] Lena S. Harrison
Marriage date:
Death date: 4/10/1927
* TN Census Listed Both spellings (Saunders/Sanders) different years,
* Grapevine Cemetary-Spellings are different on tombstones.
* Perry is first son to change spelling-not sure why.
* Notice the change in surname in the family.

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