Texas Family Group Sheet for the Jacob RABENSBURG Family

Husband: Jacob F. RABENSBURG (1)
Birthdate: 11-10-1825
Birth place: Prussia
Death date: 9-22-1911
Place of death: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop Co.
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown

Marriage date: 20 Oct 1855
Marriage place: unknown

Wife: Theresa MORSE (2)
Birthdate: 11-11-1830
Birth place: Bohemia
Death date: 10-4-1912
Place of death: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop Co.
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown


Child No. 1: Mary E. RABENSBURG (3)
Sex: Female
Birthdate: 4-30-1859
Birth place: Selasia
Death date: 3 Jan 1933
Place of death: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop Co.
Marriage date: 2-18-1875
Marriage place: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop Co.
Spouse's name: Paul Otto ELZNER

Child No. 2: Clara RABENSBURG (4)
Sex: Female
Birthdate: unknown
Birth place: unknown
Death date: 1-23-1930
Place of death: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop Co.
Marriage date: 12-13-1891
Marriage place: Bastrop Texas, Bastrop Co.
Spouse's name: George SCHAEFER (5)

Child No. 3: Henry B. RABENSBURG (6)
Sex: Male
Birthdate: unknown
Birth place: unknown
Death date: unknown
Place of death: unknown
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouse's name: unknown
(1) Jacob RABENSBURG'S Naturalization record from the Bastrop Co. Website operated by Tammy Owen:
(2,3,4,5,6) Birth and death dates obtained from Census records, and Cemetery records found on Bastrop Co. Website operated by Tammy Owen.

(1) RABENSBURG, Jacob, 30 yrs old,filed declaration to become a citizen aug 31 1858. Gave up allegiance to the prince of Waldack. Born in Germany. Entered Galveston Nov 3, 1854.

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