Texas Family Group Sheet for the Chancy Claiborn PUCKETT Family

Husband: Chancy Claiborn PUCKETT (1,2,3)
         AKA: Chance PUCKETT
   Birthdate: 1 Feb 1876 - Flat, Coryell, Texas, USA (4,5,6,7)
  Death date: 26 Mar 1942 - Coleman, Coleman, Texas, USA (2,8)
     Address: Overall Memorial Hospital, Coleman County, Coleman, Texas
      Buried: 27 Mar 1942 - Gouldbusk, Coleman, Texas, USA (2)
     Address: Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Gouldbusk, Texas
      Father: Isaiah Clairborn PUCKETT (1845-1922) (9,10)
      Mother: Mary Elizabeth WILKERSON (1848-1934) (11,12)
    Marriage: Abt 1903                       Place: , , Texas, USA
   Wife: Minnie GREER (13)
   Birthdate: 1877 - , , Louisiana, USA (14,15,16)
  Death date: 18 Oct 1912 - , Coleman, Texas, USA (17,18)
      Buried: 19 Oct 1912 - Gouldbusk, Coleman, Texas, USA (19)
     Address: Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Gouldbusk, Texas
1  F  Pearl PUCKETT (20)
   Birthdate: 3 Oct 1903 - , , Texas, USA (21,22)
  Death date: 24 May 1991 (23)
      Buried: 26 May 1991 - Gouldbusk, Coleman, Texas, USA (23)
     Address: Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Gouldbusk, Texas
      Spouse: Orbry Levi SLONE (1895-1956) (24,25)
  Marr. Date: Abt 1920
2  M  Ollie PUCKETT (26,27)
   Birthdate: 5 May 1905 - , Coryell, Texas, USA (28,29)
  Death date: 13 Oct 1967 - , Coleman, Texas, USA (26)
      Buried: 14 Oct 1967 - Gouldbusk, Coleman, Texas, USA (26)
     Address: Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Gouldbusk, Texas
      Spouse: Did Not Marry
  Marr. Date:
3  M  Herman John PUCKETT (30,31,32)
   Birthdate: 16 Oct 1907 - , Coryell, Texas, USA (33,34,35)
  Death date: 8 Jun 1970 - Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA (31,32)
      Buried: 9 Jun 1970 - Gouldbusk, Coleman, Texas, USA (32)
     Address: Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Gouldbusk, Texas
      Spouse: Verna Edith CHEW (1914-2000) (36)
  Marr. Date: 12 Feb 1930 (37)
4  M  Hershel PUCKETT (38,39)
   Birthdate: 16 Oct 1907 - , , Texas, USA (33,40)
  Death date: 24 Aug 1958 - Jacksboro, Jack, Texas, USA (38,41)
      Buried: 25 Aug 1958 - Gouldbusk, Coleman, Texas, USA (42)
     Address: Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Gouldbusk, Texas
      Spouse: Edna Ella CHEW (1912-Bef 2001) (43,44)
  Marr. Date:
5  M  William Jewell PUCKETT (45,46)
   Birthdate: 10 Oct 1910 - Gouldbusk, Coleman, Texas, USA (47,48)
  Death date: 17 May 1987 - , Coleman, Texas, USA (46)
      Buried: 19 May 1987 - Gouldbusk, Coleman, Texas, USA
     Address: Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Gouldbusk, Texas
      Spouse: Alzina BAILEY (1912-1999) (49)
  Marr. Date: 16 Dec 1926 (50)

Birth Notes: Wife - Minnie GREER

Claiborne Parish?

Last Modified: 15 Apr 2017


    1. 1900 Federal Census, Texas, Coryell, ED 45, pg 4A.  Clayborn Puckett.
    2. Death Certificate, Puckett, Chancy Claborn #11037.
    3. 1880 Federal Census, Texas, Coryell, ED 25, pg 13 (446A).  Chancy C Pucket.
    4. 1880 Federal Census, Texas, Coryell, ED 25, pg 13 (446A).  age 4, Texas.
    5. 1900 Federal Census, Texas, Coryell, ED 45, pg 4A.  age 24, Feb 1876, Texas.
    6. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Chance Puckett.  1877.
    7. Death Certificate, Puckett, Chancy Claborn #11037.  1 Feb 1877.
    8. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Chance Puckett.  1942.
    9. Bertram, Linda Puckett, I C Puckett. Email correspondence
    10. 1880 Federal Census, Texas, Coryell, ED 25, pg 13 (446A).  Isiah C Pucket.
    11. 1880 Federal Census, Texas, Coryell, ED 25, pg 13 (446A).  Mary Pucket.
    12. Death Certificate, Puckett, Mollie #5999.
    13. 1910 Federal Census, Texas, Coleman, ED 135, pg 13A.  Minnie Puckett.
    14. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Minnie Puckett.  1877.
    15. Death Certificate, Puckett, Mrs C C #22911.  18 Oct 1912, "about 30."  Her death
         certificate has almost no information, no informant.
    16. 1910 Federal Census, Texas, Coleman, ED 135, pg 13A.  age 33, Louisiana.
    17. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Minnie Puckett.  1912.
    18. Death Certificate, Puckett, Mrs C C #22911.
    19. Death Certificate, Puckett, Mrs C C #22911.  Goldbusk.
    20. 1920 Federal Census, Texas, Coleman, ED 52, pg 1A.  Pearl Puckett.
    21. 1920 Federal Census, Texas, Coleman, ED 52, pg 1A.  age 15, Texas.
    22. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Pearl Slone.  3 Oct 1903.
    23. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Pearl Slone.
    24. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Ourbry L Slone.
    25. United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 (FamilySearch.org), Slone,
         Orbry Levi.
    26. Death Certificate, Puckett, Ollie #77721.
    27. 1920 Federal Census, Texas, Coleman, ED 52, pg 1A.  Ollie Puckett.
    28. 1920 Federal Census, Texas, Coleman, ED 52, pg 1A.  age 14, Texas.
    29. Death Certificate, Puckett, Ollie #77721.  5 May 1905, Coryell County.
    30. 1920 Federal Census, Texas, Coleman, ED 52, pg 1A.  Herman Puckett.
    31. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Herman J Puckett.
    32. Death Certificate, Puckett, Herman John #40424.
    33. 1920 Federal Census, Texas, Coleman, ED 52, pg 1A.  age 12, Texas.
    34. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Herman J Puckett.  16 Oct 1907.
    35. Death Certificate, Puckett, Herman John #40424.  10 Oct 1907, Coryell County, Texas.
    36. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Verna E Puckett.
    37. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Herman J Puckett.  12 Feb 1930.
    38. Death Certificate, Puckett, Hershel #46069.
    39. 1920 Federal Census, Texas, Coleman, ED 52, pg 1A.  Hershey Puckett.
    40. Death Certificate, Puckett, Hershel #46069.  16 Oct 1907, Texas.
    41. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Hershel Puckett.
    42. Death Certificate, Puckett, Hershel #46069.  Gould.
    43. 1940 Federal Census, Texas, Coleman, ED 42-13A, pg 5B.  Edna Puckett.
    44. Texas State Birth Index, Puckett, David Herschel.  Edna Ella Chew.
    45. 1920 Federal Census, Texas, Coleman, ED 52, pg 1A.  Jewel Puckett.
    46. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Jewel Puckett.
    47. 1920 Federal Census, Texas, Coleman, ED 52, pg 1A.  age 10, Texas.
    48. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Jewel Puckett.  10 Oct 1910.
    49. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Alzina Puckett.
    50. Gouldbusk Cemetery, Coleman County, Texas, Jewel Puckett.  16 Dec 1926.

My Notes

If there is no SOURCE, I have no PROOF! If the source is a PERSON, the information is HEARSAY.


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