Texas Family Group Sheet for the Nathaniel Parks Family

Husband: Nathaniel PARKS
Birthdate: 25 Oct 1788
Birthplace: Laurens Dist, SC
Death date: 27 Aug 1850
Place of death: Calhoun Co., AL
Burial: unknown
Father: Parks Thomas
Mother: Brockman, Anne

Marriage date: 15 Feb 1815
Marriage place: Laurns Dist., SC

Wife: Mary MEADOR
Birthdate: 08 Feb 1796
Birthplace: Laurns Dist., SC
Death date: 19 May 1856
Place of death: Lee Co., TX
Burial: Prospect Cemetery. Lee Co., TX
Father: Meador, John
Mother: unknown


Child No. 1: William Thomas
Sex: M
Birthdate: 03 Nov 1815
Birthplace: Laurnes Dist., SC
Death date: abt 1877
Place of death: Nashville, TN
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 04 Nov 1852
Marriage place: Calhoun Co., AL
Spouse's name: Seale, Lydia

Child No. 2: John Covington
Sex: M
Birthdate: ca 1816
Birthplace: Laurens Dist, SC
Death date: 11 May 1887
Place of death: Williamson Co., TX
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 12 Nov 1840
Marriage place: Benron Co., AL
Spouse's name: (1) Hallums, Talitha D

Child No. 3: Robert M.
Sex: M
Birthdate: 30 Sep 1817
Birthplace: Laurens Dist., SC
Death date: unknown
Place of death: unknown
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 15 Dec 1842
Marriage place: Benton Co., AL
Spouse's name: Harris, Cassandera E.

Child No. 4: Mary Elizabeth
Sex: F
Birthdate: 28 May 1822
Birthplace: Laurens Dist., SC
Death date: 09 Feb 1845
Place of death: Benron Co., AL
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 09 Feb 1842
Marriage place: Benron Co., AL
Spouse's name: Harris, Frank M.

Child No. 5: Laura Ann
Sex: F
Birthdate: 03 Feb 1824
Birthplace: Laurens Dist., SC
Death date: ca 1888
Place of death: Bosque Co., TX
Marriage date: 09 Oct 1845
Burial: unknown
Marriage place: prob Benton Co., AL
Spouse's name: Harris, Sanford M.

Child No. 6: Pyrena Harriet
Sex: F
Birthdate: 12 Dec 1845
Birthplace: Laurens Dist., SC
Death date: 17 Feb 1874
Place of death: KY
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 02 Aug 1857
Marriage place: Lee Co., TX
Spouse's name: Bishop, Wayne S.

Child No. 7: Nancy Parmelia
Sex: F
Birthdate: 22 Jan 1827
Birthplace: Laurens Dist., SC
Death date: 05 Jan 1871
Place of death: Waco, McLennan Co., TX
Burial: Oakwood Cemetery, Waco, McLennan Co., TX
Marriage date: 28 Sep 1847
Marriage place: Benton/Calhoun Co., AL
Spouse's name: Green, John Graham

Child No. 8: Emily Caroline
Sex: F
Birthdate: 23 Nov 1829
Birthplace: Laurens Dist., SC
Death date: 06 Mar 1877
Place of death: Lee Co., TX
Burial: Prospect Cemetery, Lee Co., TX
Marriage date: 06 May 1847
Marriage place: Benton Co., AL
Spouse's name: Dickson, Robert M.

Child No. 9: Louisa Jane
Sex: F
Birthdate: 01 Dec 1832
Birthplace: Laurens Dist., SC
Death date: 22 Oct 1833
Place of death: Waco, McClennan Co., TX
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 04 Mov 1852
Marriage place: Benton Co.,AL
Spouse's name: Allen, John Seaborn

Child No. 10: James Hamilton
Sex: M
Birthdate: 09 March 1834
Birthplace: Benton Co., AL
Death date: 30 Dec 1893
Place of death: Meridan, Bosque Co., TX
Burial: Meredian Cemetery
Marriage date: 12 Oct 1856
Marriage place: Calhoun Co., AL
Spouse's name: Green, Margaret Catherine

Child No. 11: Francis Marion
Sex: M
Birthdate: 11 Mar 1839
Birthplace: Benton Co.., AL
Death date: 27 Feb 1898
Place of death: Wharton Co., TX
Burial: TX
Marriage date: 21 Apr 1864
Marriage place: TX
Spouse's name: McClanhan, Susan
* Source of name, birth & wife's name: Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean Familes by Henry William Clark; Volume I-Part 2, pg 6.
* Database: War of 1812 Muster Rolls
Search Terms: PARKS (268), NATHANIEL (3781)
Source Information: Direct Data Capture, comp. War of 1812 Muster Rolls. [database on-line]
Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 1999-. Original data: National Archives and Records Administration. Index to the Compiled Military Service Records for the Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the War of 1812 M602, 234 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. Ordered service record from National Archives.
* Occupation was farming. Member and deacon of the Baptist church. Moved to Benton/Calhoun Co., AL by 1833. Source: National Archives, 1820 Laruens Co., SC federal census, (M33_121), 23. National Archives, 1830 Laurens Co., SC federal census, 259.
Mary Meador Parks:
* Moved to Lee Co., TX after the death of her husband. She died at the home of her daughter Louisa Jane (Mrs. John S. ) Allen.
* Death-source: Tombstone Lexington, Lee Co., TX.
* Buroal-source: Lee County Historical Commissiom, Lee County Texas Cemeteries, pg 202.
William thomas Parks Source:
* Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean Familes by Henry William Clark; Volume I-Part 2, pg 6.
* Censuses-sourcees:
National Archives, 1820 Laruens Co., SC federal census, (M33_121), 23.,
National Archives, 1830 Laurens Co., SC federal census, 259.
* Death-source: Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean Familes by Henry William Clark; Volume I-Part 2, pg 21.
02/12/2004 Ancestry.com
Name: William Parks
Age in 1870: 54
Estimated Birth Year: 1815
Birthplace: South Carolina
Home in 1870: District 5, Davidson, Tennessee
Race: White
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: View Image
Post Office: Nashville
Roll: M593_1521
Page: 258
John Coving Parks:
* Married 3 times.: source: Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean Familes by Henry William Clark; Volume I-Part 2 pg 6.
* Death-source: Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean Familes by Henry William Clark; Volume I-Part 2, pg 21.
* Parks, J. C. TX BURLESON CO. LEXINGTON P.O. 132 1860
Census Place: Precinct 3, Williamson, Texas
Source: FHL Film 1255332 National Archives Film T9-1332 Page 481B
John C. PARKS Self M M W 61 SC Occ: Farmer Fa: SC Mo: SC
Rebeca PARKS Wife F M W 45 AL Occ: Keeping House Fa: SC Mo: NC
Elizabeth PARKS Dau F S W 37 AL Fa: SC Mo: SC
William PARKS Son M W 16 TX Fa: SC Mo: AL
Lourisa PARKS Dau F S W 10 TX Fa: SC Mo: AL
Salley PARKS Dau F S W 7 TX Fa: SC Mo: AL
Eva PARKS Dau F S W 5 TX Fa: SC Mo: AL
Franklin PARKS Son M S W 1 TX Fa: SC Mo: AL
* 02/13/2004 Ancestry.com
Name: John C. PARKS
Age: 61
Estimated birth year: 1819
Birthplace: South Carolina
Occupation: Farmer
Relation: Self
Home in 1880: Precinct 3, Williamson, Texas
Marital status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Head of household: John C. PARKS
Father's birthplace: SC
Mother's birthplace: SC
* Image Source: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 3, Williamson, Texas; Roll: T9_1332; Family History Film: 1255332; Page: 481B; Enumeration District: 158; Image: .
* Year: 1870
Robert M. Parks: Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean Familes by Henry William Clark; Volume I-Part 2, pg 6.
Moved to MS. No children. Neither one found on 1880 federal census.
Mary Elizabeth-source:
* Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean Familes; Volume I-Part 2, pg 23.
Laura Ann Parks-source:
* Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean Familes by Henry William Clark; Volume I-Part 2, pg 6.
* Death-source: Lee County Historical Commissiom, Lee County Texas Cemeteries, pg 202.
Pyrena Harriet Parks-source:
* Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean Familes by Henry William Clark; Volume I-Part 2, pg 22.
She died while visiting friends in KY. No children.
Nancy Parmelia Parks:
* Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean Familes; Volume I-Part 2, pg 22.
* Compiled by John M. Usery & Central Texas Genealogical Society, Inc. (CTGS), McLennan County Texas Cemetery Records, Volume III, Oakwood Cemetery, (Central Texas Genealogical Society, Inc. (CTGS)).
Emily Caroline Parks-source:
* Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean Familes; Volume I-Part 2, pg 23.
* Burial-source: Lee County Historical Commissiom, Lee County Texas Cemeteries, pg 202.
Louisa Jane Parks-source:
* Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean Familes; Volume I-Part 2, pg 24.
James Hamilton:
* Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean Familes; Volume I-Part 2, pgs 6 & 24.
* National Archives Film T9-1291, 1880 Bosque Co., TX Federal Census, (FHL Film 1255291, Salt Lake City, UT 2001), 427A.
Francis Marion-source:
* Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean Familes; Volume I-Part 2, 6 & 25.
* National Archives Film T9-1298, 1880 Coryell Co., TX Federal Census, (FHL Film 1255298, Salt Lake City, UT, 2001), Disc 22-TX.

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