Texas Family Group Sheet for the Mathis NIMTZ Family

Husband: Mathis NIMTZ
Birthdate: November 19, 1849
Birthplace: Germany
Death date: December 09, 1934
Place of death: Dime Box, Lee County, Texas
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown

Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: Germany

Wife: Magdalena
Birthdate: July 08, 1845
Birthplace: Germany
Death date: October 23, 1900
Place of death: Lee County, Texas
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown


Child No. 1: NIMTZ, John
Sex: M
Birthdate: July 06, 1873
Birthplace: Muhlrose, Germany
Death date: January 13, 1927
Place of death: Dime Box, Lee County, Texas
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouse's name: Theresia Marie Zoch

Child No. 2: NIMTZ, Matthes
Sex: M
Birthdate: November 15, 1875
Birthplace: Muhlrose, Germany
Death date: July 30, 1887
Place of death: unknown
Marriage date: None
Marriage place: None
Spouse's name: None

Child No. 3: NIMTZ, Anna
Sex: F
Birthdate: February 26, 1882
Birthplace: Muhlrose, Germany
Death date: February 24, 1925
Place of death: Dime Box, Lee County, Texas
Marriage date: November 22, 1910
Marriage place: Lee County, Texas
Spouse's name: Henry Marburger
* Death Record,
* Texas Bureau of Vital Statistics Record of Declarations, State of Texas.
* Lee County, Texas Cemeteries, Vol. 2.
* Death Register, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Serbin, Texas.
* Lee County, Texas Cemeteries, Vol. 2.
* Death Register, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Serbin, Texas.

* Anna Family immigrated to U.S. September 18, 1883 aboard the S.S. Bolivia departing from Moville, Germany and arriving at Port of New York.

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