Texas Family Group Sheet for the Thomas Phillip Leonidas Moore Family

Husband: Thomas Phillip Leonidas MOORE
Birthdate: January 5 1837
Birthplace: Haywood County, Tennessee
Death date: December 15 1867
Place of death: Colorado County, Texas

Marriage date: September 28 1865
Marriage place: Fayette County ,Texas

Wife: Martha Julia Anna HENDERSON
Birthdate: August 13, 1846
Birthplace: Nuxobee County, Mississippi
Death date: March 15 1918
Place of death: Waller County, Texas
Burial: Fields Store Cemetery
Father: Thomas Jordan Henderson
Mother: Martha Hendricks


Child No. 1: Martha Elizabeth Moore
Sex: F
Birthdate: August 13 1866
Birthplace: Fayette County, Texas
Death date: December 13 1947
Place of death: Houston, Harris County, Texas
Burial: Hollywood Cemetery
Marriage date: January 12 1881
Marriage place: Colorado County, Texas
Spouse's name: William Florence Williams

Child No. 2: Thomas Philip Moore
Sex: M
Birthdate: March 9 1868
Birthplace: Fayette County, Texazs
Death date: November 16 1951
Place of death: Hempstead, Waller County, Texas
Burial: FieldsStore Cemetery
Marriage date: March 21 1893
Marriage place: Lavaca County, Texas
Spouse's name: Mary Molly A Ferguson
* Death Certificates,
* Marriage records,
* Burial records,
* U.S. Census Records.

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