Texas Family Group Sheet for the Julius Lafayette MOORE Family

Husband: Julius Lafayette MOORE
Birthdate: 15 OCT 1862
Birthplace: Smith Co., TX
Death date: 8 SEP 1948
Place of death: Van Zandt Co., TX
Burial: Edom Cemetery
Father: Jasper Lafayette MOORE
Mother: Mary Indiana ADRIAN
Other spouses: Safronia PATTERSON

Marriage date: 29 Nov 1888
Marriage place: Van Zandt Co., TX

Wife: Safronia PATTERSON
Birthdate: 1 MAR 1866
Birthplace: Dale Co., AL
Death date: 17 FEB 1901
Place of death: Van Zandt Co., TX
Burial: Edom Cemetery
Father: Joseph G. PATTERSON
Mother: Finetta LOFTIN
Other spouses: None


Child No. 1: Wardie MOORE
Sex: F
Birthdate: 16 Jan 1890
Birthplace: Van Zandt Co., TX
Death date: 17 SEP 1983
Place of death: Dallas Co., TX
Burial: Haven of Memories Cemetery
Marriage date: 1909
Marriage place: Van Zandt Co., TX
Spouse's name: James Lee BARNETT

Child No. 2: Mary Finetta MOORE
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1 FEB 1893
Birthplace: Van Zandt Co., TX
Death date: 16 JAN1986
Place of death: Van Zandt Co., TX
Burial: Haven of Memories Cemetery
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouse's name: unknown

Child No. 3: Dothan Lafayette MOORE
Sex: M
Birthdate: 8 OCT1900
Birthplace: Van Zandt Co., TX
Death date: 23 FEB1979
Place of death: Tarrant Co., TX
Burial: Haven of Memories Cemetery
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouse's name: Leota TUCKER

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