Texas Family Group Sheet for the John Burgan MITCHELL Family

Husband: John Burgan MITCHELL
Birthdate: April 25, 1874
Birthplace: Missouri
Death date: October 13, 1956
Place of death: Childress, Texas
Father: James Warren Mitchell
Mother: R,D, Griffin

Marriage date: October 16, 1895
Marriage place: Arlington, Tarrant County,Texas

Wife: Willie Pitts COBB
Birthdate: September 4, 1876
Birthplace: Waco, Limestone County, Texas
Death date: March 18, 1955
Place of death: Childress, Texas
Father: James E. COBB
Mother: Mary Jane WHEELER


Child No. 1: Beulah Benton MITCHELL
Sex: F
Birthdate: September 24, 1898
Birthplace: Sherman, Grayson County, Texas
Death date: August 5, 1984
Place of death: Childress, Texas
Marriage date: May 28, 1912
Marriage place: Olympus, Childress County, Texas
Spouse's name: Tom H. SMITH

Child No. 2: Mary Jane MITCHELL
Sex: F
Birthdate: December 19, 1899
Birthplace: Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas
Death date: February 28, 1985
Place of death: Round Rock, Texas
Marriage date: December 12, 1915
Marriage place: Olympus, Childress County, Texas
Spouse's name: Floyd Earl STONE

Child No. 3: Dorothy (Dorsey) Don MITCHELL
Sex: F
Birthdate: September 2, 1903
Birthplace: Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas
Death date: February 15, 1989
Place of death: Childress, Texas
Marriage date: October 8, 1921
Marriage place: Childress, Texas
Spouse's name: Joe Shelby SMITH

Child No. 4: Velma Vivian MITCHELL
Sex: F
Birthdate: January 29, 1907
Birthplace: Olympus, Childress County, Texas
Death date: December 7, 1996
Place of death: Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas
Marriage date: January 26, 1924
Marriage place: Hollis, Harman County, Oklahoma
Spouse's name: Gordon Albert ADAMS

Child No. 5: John Burgan MITCHELL Jr.
Birthdate: November 24, 1912
Birthplace: Olympus, Childress County, Texas
Death date:
Place of death: Amarillo, Potter County, Texas
Marriage date: October 3, 1931
Marriage place: Hollis, Harman County, Oklahoma
Spouse's name: Leote STEPHENSON
* Hand-Written Family Records.
* These family members are my Aunts and Uncles.

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