Texas Family Group Sheet for the James Robert MEEK, Sr Family

Husband: James Robert MEEK Sr.
Birthdate: 11/9/1858
Birthplace: Yazoo Co., MS
Death date: 2/7/1916
Place of death: Arcadia, Galveston Co., TX
Burial: Evergreen Cemetery, Arcadia, Galveston Co., TX
Father: James C. MEEK
Mother: Harriet BULL

Marriage date:
Marriage place:

Wife: Sarah Frances "Sallie" LUKER
Birthdate: 2/20/1872
Birthplace: Tippah Co., MS
Death date: 2/10/1914
Place of death:
Father: George Mifflin Dallas LUKER
Mother: Mary Jane AUTRY


Child No. 1: George Harvey MEEK
Sex: M
Birthdate: 7/8/1892
Birthplace: Luling, Caldwell Co., TX
Death date: 1/9/1975
Place of death: Houston, Harris Co., TX
Burial: Brookshire Mem Park, Houston, Harris Co., TX
Marriage date: 8/01/1915
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Mamie Ellen McBride

Child No. 2: Mary Henrietta MEEK
Sex: F
Birthdate: 9/12/1896
Birthplace: Luling, Caldwell Co., TX
Death date: 8/26/1976
Place of death: San Marcos, Hays Co., TX
Burial: San Marcos City Cemetery, San Marcos, Hays Co., TX
Marriage date: 12/11/1913
Marriage place: San Marcos, Hays Co., TX
Spouse's name: 1st - Henry Alfred DeVINEY

Child No. 3: James Robert MEEK, Jr
Sex: M
Birthdate: 12/9/1899
Birthplace: Luling, Caldwell Co., Tx
Death date: 12/22/1973
Place of death:
Burial: Lakeview Mem Gardens, Phoenix City, AL
Marriage date: 1937
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Rena Smith

Child No. 4: Thomas Jefferson MEEK
Sex: M
Birthdate: 7/18/1902
Birthplace: Luling, Caldwell Co., TX
Death date: 1/12/1996
Place of death: Gonzales, Gonzales Co., TX
Marriage date: 7/26/1927
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: 2nd - Faunie Inola RIMMER

Child No. 5: Ida Lou MEEK
Sex: F
Birthdate: 6/23/1905
Birthplace: Arcadia, Galveston Co., TX
Death date: 10/01/1974
Place of death: Cuero Community Hospital, Cuero, DeWitt Co., TX
Burial: Stockdale Cemetery, Stockdale, Wilson Co., TX
Marriage date: 8/14/1921
Marriage place: Stockdale, Wilson Co., TX
Spouse's name: Zeddie Bryon McBride

Child No. 6: Sarah Angeline "Sadie" MEEK
Sex: F
Birthdate: 8/16/1909
Birthplace: Martindale, Caldwell Co., TX
Death date: 6/27/1991
Place of death: Des Moines, IA
Marriage date: 6//
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: 1st- Justin Jesse TRIMBLE, Sr
* The above info on persons were furnished to me by family members and my researching the internet.
* Mamie Ellen McBRIDE and Zeddie Bryon McBRIDE are siblings married to MEEK siblings.
* Submitted this form..7/11/2008..gw

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