Texas Family Group Sheet for the Lee Hall McFADIN Family

Husband: Lee Hall McFADIN
Birthplace: Texas
Death date: 2/8/1919
Place of death: Arlington, Tarrant Co., Texas
Burial: Watson Cemetery, Arlington, Tarrant Co., Texas
Father: Robert Thomas MCFADIN
Mother: Louella Hinton

Marriage date:
Marriage place:

Wife: Kate Lee SCHOOLER
Birthplace: Marshall, Harrison Co., Texas
Death date: 4/19/1971
Place of death: Ft. Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas
Burial: Rose Hill Cemetery, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas
Father: Sam Houston SCHOOLER
Mother: Mollie Lewis MOORE


Child No. 1: MCFADIN
Sex: F
Birthdate: 12/15/1912
Birthplace: Arlington, Tarrant Co., Texas
Death date: 12/15/1912
Place of death: Arlington, Tarrant Co., Texas
Burial: Johnson Station Cemetery, Arlington, Tarrant Co., Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 2: Henry Truman MCFADIN
Sex: M
Birthdate: 7/31/1914
Birthplace: Arlington, Tarrant Co., Texas
Death date: 12/1977
Place of death: Mabank, Kaufman Co., Texas
Burial: Rose Hill Cemetery, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas
Marriage date: 10/12/1940
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Mary Jane MCGOWN

Child No. 3: Charlie Lee MCFADIN
Sex: M
Birthdate: 12/13/1916
Birthplace: Arlington, Tarrant Co., Texas
Death date: 9/29/2007
Place of death: Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas
Burial: Rose Hill Cemetery, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas
Marriage date: 5/4/1940
Marriage place: Arlington, Tarrant Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Margie Melba SEARCY

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