Texas Family Group Sheet for the William Hugh McDougald Family #2

Husband: William Hugh McDOUGALD
Birthdate: December 24, 1855
Birthplace: Kemp, Kaufman Co., TX
Death date: October 9, 1950
Place of death: Kemp, Kaufman Co., TX
Burial: Shiloh Cemetery
Father: Archibald Black McDougald
Mother: Nepsie Buie

Marriage date: June 1, 1890
Marriage place: Kemp, Kaufman Co., TX

Wife: Sarah Ledbetter ALLEN
Birthdate: October 22, 1855
Birthplace: Nacogdoches County, Texas
Death date: January 1, 1952
Place of death: Sweetwater, Nolan Co., Texas
Burial: Shiloh Cemetery
Father: Buckner Ledbetter
Mother: Suzanna Jackson


Child No. 1: Thomas Calvin McDougald
Sex: M
Birthdate: December 31, 1891
Birthplace: Tolosa, Kaufman Co., Texas
Death date: August 21, 1974
Place of death: Scurry Co., Texas
Burial: Hillside Cemetery, Scurry Co., Texas
Marriage date: December 7, 1910
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Ollie Elston

Child No. 2: Robert B. McDougald
Sex: M
Birthdate: June 1, 1895
Birthplace: Tolosa, Kaufman Co., Texas
Death date: January, 1985
Place of death: Ada, Pomtotoc, Oklahoma
Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery, Ada, Oklahoma
Marriage date: May 18, 1926
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Delona Davidson

Child No. 3: Lester Marvin McDougald
Sex: M
Birthdate: June, 1894
Birthplace: Tolosa, Kaufman Co., Texas
Death date: July 6, 1978
Place of death: Grimes Co. Texas
Burial: Kemp Cemetery, Kaufman Co., Texas
Marriage date: November 7, 1923
Marriage place: Kaufman Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Della Faye Musgrados

Child No. 4: William Floyd McDougald
Sex: M
Birthdate: May 18, 1893
Birthplace: Tolosa, Kaufman Co., Texas
Death date: February 22, 1920
Place of death: Kaufman Co., Texas
Burial: Shiloh Cemetery, Kaufman Co., Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* TxGenWeb site Kaufman Co., Texas.
* US Census Texas, Kaufman County 1900 to 1930.
* Texas Death Index.
* Social Security Death Index.
* Ancestry.com.
* Rootsweb.com.
* Family records of Tennie Elizabeth Barnes.

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