Texas Family Group Sheet for the Dickinson Moore MARTIN Family

Husband: Dickinson Moore MARTIN
Birthdate: August 06, 1846
Birthplace: Pickens County, South Carolina
Death date: February 06, 1927
Place of death: Brown County, Texas
Burial: Greenleaf Cemetery - Brown County, Texas
Father: Shields B. Martin
Mother: Cynthia Frumpkin/ Lumpkin

Marriage date: August 08, 1866
Marriage place: Pickens District, S C

Wife: Sarah Ann Frances HONEA
Birthdate: July 17, 1845
Birthplace: Pickens District, South Carolina
Death date: November 16, 1940
Place of death: Brown County, Texas
Burial: Greenleaf Cemetery - Brown County, Texas
Father: unknown HONEA
Mother: Mary HARDIN


Child No. 1: William W. MARTIN
Sex: M
Birthdate: June 06, 1869
Birthplace: Arkansas
Death date: November 13, 1953
Place of death: ?
Burial: Moran Cemetery - Shackelford County, Texas G-03
Marriage date: June 03, 1890
Marriage place: Brown County, Texas - Book A, Page 434
Spouse's name: Louella Edna DEAL

Child No. 2: Mary Georgia Ann MARTIN
Sex: F
Birthdate: November 06, 1873
Birthplace: Prescott, Nevada County, Arkansas
Death date: November 29, 1967
Place of death: Eastland County, Texas (Texas Death Index)
Burial: Older section of Gorman Cemetery, Eastland County, Texas
Marriage date: August 12, 1891
Marriage place: Brown County, Texas - Book B, Page 66
Spouse's name: William Bush REEVES

Child No. 3: Robert Clifton MARTIN
Sex: M
Birthdate: December 29, 1877
Birthplace: Nevada County, Arkansas
Death date: February 19, 1918
Place of death: Clovis, Curry County, New Mexico
Burial: Greenleaf Cemetery, Brownwood, Brown County, Texas
Marriage date: June 08, 1898
Marriage place: Brownwood, Brown County, Texas - Book 4, Page 72
Spouse's name: Francis "Fannie" Adline WILLIAMS

Child No. 4: Cynthia Caroline MARTIN
Sex: F
Birthdate: November 28, 1881
Birthplace: Nevada County, Arkansas
Death date: March 28, 1961
Place of death: Brown County, Texas - Book 1961, Page: 1584
Burial: Greenleaf Cemetery - Brown County, Texas
Marriage date: May 24, 1899
Marriage place: Brown County, Texas - Book 4, Page 152
Spouse's name: John Robert STEPHENSON
* Sarah Ann Frances Honea CSA Pension Application,
* Federal Census records: 1850 Western Division, Pickens County, South Carolina,
* 1860 Regiment 2, Pickens County, South Carolina,
* 1870 Caney Township, Ouachita County, Arkansas,
* 1880 Georgia Township, Nevada County, Arkansas,
* 1900 Precinct 1, Brown County, Texas,
* Brown County, Texas Death Records,
* Brown County, Texas Marriage Records,
* Cemetery Photos.

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