Texas Family Group Sheet for the Robert Lewis Family

Husband: Robert LEWIS
Birthdate: 08/31/1822
Birthplace: Alabama
Death date: 05/30/1899
Place of death: Kildare, Cass, TX
Burial: Kildare, Cass, TX
Other Spouses:

Marriage date: 01/10/1854
Marriage place: Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Wife: Elizabeth West Vinson ROSSER
Birthdate: 02./02/1827
Birthplace: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Death date: 02/03/1884
Place of death: Kildare, Cass, Texas
Burial: Kildare, Cass, Texas
Father: ROSSER, Benjamin
Mother: VINSON, Elizabeth West
Other Spouses:


Child No. 1: LEWIS, Amanda
Birthdate: before 1862
Birthplace: Alabama
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Texas
Spouses' names: HORNER, W. W.

Child No. 2: LEWIS, Lottie
Birthdate: before 1862
Birthplace: Alabama
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouses' names:

Child No. 3: LEWIS, Margaret Rosser
Birthdate: 08/15/1862
Birthplace: Alabama
Death date: 9/1/1946
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouses' names: LENNARD, F. M.

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