Texas Family Group Sheet for the A. Edward Thomas LEWIS Family

Husband: A. Edward Thomas LEWIS
Birthdate: March 1928
Birthplace: Georgia
Death date: 1910
Place of death: Cass Co. Texas
Burial: Cass Co. Texas
Other Spouses: Rhoda Tucker

Marriage date: 12-22-1853
Marriage place: Georgia

Wife: Elizabeth Ann MERRITT
Birthdate: 1835
Birthplace: Jasper Co. Georgia
Death date: 1864
Place of death: Georgia
Father: Benjamin MERRITT
Mother: Rebecca WATTS
Other Spouses:


Child No. 1: Vililla LEWIS
Birthdate: 1854
Birthplace: Georgia
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouses' names:

Child No. 2: Edward Thomas LEWIS
Birthdate: 8-10-1856
Birthplace: Jasper Co. Georgia
Death date: 1-8-1933
Place of death: Byers, Clay Co. Texas
Burial: Byers Cemetery,: Byers, Clay Co. Texas
Marriage date: [1] 11-16-1882
Marriage place: [1] Lamar Co. Texas
Spouses' names: [1] Emma Willis WHITE [2] Theodosia SHIELDS

Child No. 3: Charles Wesley LEWIS
Birthdate: 1859
Birthplace: Georgia
Death date: 1934
Place of death: Greenville, Hunt Co. Texas
Marriage date: [1] 8-31-1887 [2] 02-26-1882
Marriage place: [1] Fannin Co. Texas
Spouses' names: [1] Lillie Mae REESE [2] Emma Jane MATTHEWS

Child No. 4: Catherine Kitty LEWIS
Birthdate: 1864
Birthplace: Georgia
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouses' names: James Leroy SHAW
* Cass Co. Census Records.

* Can't find anything on Edward Lewis except for 1870-1900 Cass Co. Census Records.
* He had a Will and died in Cass Co.
* No one has been able to locate a death certificate for him.

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