Texas Family Group Sheet for the James Clifton (Cliff) Langford Family

Husband: James Clifton [Cliff] LANGFORD
Birthdate:11 AUG 1897
Birthplace: Latch, Upshur County, Texas
Death date: 29 MAY 1967
Place of death: Gilmer, Upshur County, Texas
Burial: Hopewell Cemetery, Upshur Co., Texas
Father: Philip Pender Langford (1872-1938)
Mother: Lela Alice Williams (1880-1964)

Marriage date: 9 January 1916
Marriage place: Rosewood, Upshur County, Texas by Rev. Charles W. Bell

Wife: Vida Lee PETTY
Birthdate:20 AUG 1901
Birthplace: Latch, Upshur County, Texas
Death date: 15 SEP 1988
Place of death: Longview, Gregg County, Texas
Burial: Hopewell Cemetery, Upshur Co., Texas
Father: Thomas Jefferson Petty Sr.
Mother: Viola L. Mathis


Child No. 1: Rev. Oris Petty Langford
Sex: M
Birthdate: 11 MAY 1918
Birthplace: Little Mound, Upshur County, Texas
Death date: 30 MAR 1951
Place of death: Gilmer, Upshur County, Texas
Burial: Hopewell Cemetery, Upshur Co., Tx.
Marriage date: 8 Nov 1940
Marriage place: Upshur County, Texas
Spouse's name: Mary Lee Willis (1920-2006)

Child No. 2: Dorothy Lou Langford
Sex: F
Birthdate: 23 FEB 1921
Birthplace: Latch, Upshur County, Texas
Death date: 18 SEP 2002
Place of death: Odessa, Ector County, Texas
Burial: Hopewell, Upshur Co., Tx.
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Elmer Lee (Ned) Flowers (1916-1985)

Child No. 3: Rosedyne Langford
Sex: F
Birthdate: 29 DEC 1927
Birthplace: Latch, Upshur County, Texas
Death date: 14 APR 1989
Place of death: Longview, Gregg County, Texas
Burial: Hopewell, Upshur Co., Tx.
Marriage date: 16 Mar 1945
Marriage place: Dallas, Dallas County, Texas
Spouse's name: Ellis Whitfield Wade (1919-1990)

Child No. 4: Rev. James Cleyon Langford
Sex: M
Birthdate: 8 OCT 1933
Birthplace: Latch, Upshur County, Texas
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date: 23 May 1953 / 21 Jul 1978
Marriage place: Gilmer, Upshur Co., Tx. / Riverside, California
Spouse's name: #1 Sue Carole Collier (1935-????) #2 Merna Marie Banz (1944-2007)
* 1900 United States Federal Census
* 1910 United States Federal Census
* 1920 United States Federal Census
* 1930 United States Federal Census
* World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.
* Family Bible of James Clifton Langford.

* Cliff Langford had a plant nursery 2 1/2 miles south of Gilmer from 1949 until he died in 1967. He helped his son, Rev. Oris Petty Langford, found the Gilmer Church of the Nazarene and Rev. Langford was the first pastor of the church.

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