Texas Family Group Sheet for the Edward Lee KENNEDY Family

Husband: Edward Lee KENNEDY
Birthdate: February 8, 1875
Birthplace: Lost Prairie, Texas
Death date: March 14, 1940
Place of death: Groesbeck, Limestone Co., Texas
Father: KENNEDY, Thomas Jefferson
Mother: Martha Jane

Marriage date: December 4, 1898
Marriage place: Big Hill, Limestone Co., Texas

Wife: Sammie Ethel CHISUM
Birthdate: June 2, 1882
Birthplace: Limestone Co., Texas
Death date: August 6, 1963
Place of death: Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas
Father: CHISUM, Samuel Elijah
Mother: JAMES, Elizabeth Ann


Child No. 1: KENNEDY, Rutha
Sex: F
Birthdate: October 21, 1899
Birthplace: Limestone Co., Texas
Death date: March 3, 1900
Place of death: Limestone Co., Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 2: KENNEDY, Mayda Cecil
Sex: F
Birthdate: April 12, 1901
Birthplace: Limestone Co., Texas
Death date: June 4, 1981
Place of death: Littlefield, Texas
Marriage date: April 15, 1919
Marriage place: Limestone Co., Texas
Spouse's name: GRISSOM, L. C.

Child No. 3: KENNEDY, Estelle
Sex: F
Birthdate: October 8, 1903
Birthplace: Limestone Co., Texas
Death date: 1996
Place of death: Kerrville, Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Limestone Co., Texas
Spouse's name: GANDY, Lannie Elvis

Child No. 4: KENNEDY, Bernice Elizabeth
Sex: F
Birthdate: November 22, 1905
Birthplace: Limestone Co., Texas
Death date: January 17, 2000
Place of death:
Marriage date: September 13, 1926
Marriage place: Dallas, Texas
Spouse's name: CARPENTER, Roy Marcellus

Child No. 5: KENNEDY, Lewis Dwain
Birthdate: November 27, 1907
Birthplace: Watt, Texas
Death date: February 5, 1990
Place of death:
Marriage date: November 15, 1931
Marriage place: Clovis, New Mexico
Spouse's name: MILLER, Opal Lee

Child No. 6: KENNEDY, Elva
Sex: F
Birthdate: December 24, 1910
Birthplace: Limestone Co., Texas
Death date: October 16, 1988
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 7: KENNEDY, Edward Lee Jr.
Sex: M
Birthdate: January 19, 1913
Birthplace: Prairie Hill, Limestone Co., Texas
Death date: March 20, 1974
Place of death: Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas
Marriage date: December 25, 1937
Marriage place: Dallas, Texas
Spouse's name: Living

Child No. 8: KENNEDY, Keith Kruger
Sex: M
Birthdate: October 29, 1921
Birthplace: Big Hill, Limestone, Co., Texas
Death date: May 11, 1998
Place of death: Beaumont, Jefferson Co.,Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Living
* Living members of the family. I sent out a genealogy form for each family that they returned with the information they could provide.
* 1910 Census for Limestone Co.
* I have pictures of most of the family headstones as many are buried in Big Hill Cemetery in Limestone Co., Texas.
* I have a copy of a document prepared in August of 1941 by Sammie Ethel Chisum Kennedy that gave the information pertaining to she and her husband Edward Lee Kennedy, Sr. and their children.

* Edward Lee Kennedy, Jr. was my father-in-law.

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