Texas Family Group Sheet for the James HOOKER Family

Husband: James HOOKER
Birthdate: 31 May 1807
Birthplace: Smith Co, TN
Death date: 29 Dec 1865
Place of death: Hooker Ridge Community
Burial: Hooker Cemetery, Rains co, TX
Father: Thomas HOOKER 1778-1831
Mother: Sarah WALKER 1780-1860

Marriage date: 25 Nov 1825
Marriage place: Smith Co, TN

Wife: Mary Elizabeth KITCHING
Birthdate: 5 Dec 1803
Birthplace: Smith Co, TN
Death date: 8 June 1883
Place of death: Hooker Ridge Community
Burial: Hooker Cemetery, Rains Co, TX
Father: James KITCHING b24 July 1776
Mother: Mary unknown b25 Dec 1785


Child No. 1: Frances C. HOOKER
Sex: F
Birthdate: 2 March 1827
Birthplace: Smtih Co, TN
Death date: 3 April 1899
Place of death: Hooker Ridge Community
Burial: Hooker Cemetery, Rains Co, TX
Marriage date: 1 Nov 1843
Marriage place: Hunt Co, TX
Spouse's name: James LYNCH

Child No. 2: Saran N. 'Sallie' HOOKER
Sex: F
Birthdate: 6 Dec 1828
Birthplace: Smith Co, TN
Death date: 3 July 1858
Place of death: Hooker Ridge Community
Burial: Harris Cemetery ??Rains Co, TX
Marriage date: 1 Feb 1843
Marriage place: Hunt Co, TX
Spouse's name: Willwam A. HARRIS

Child No. 3: James Thomas HOOKER
Sex: M
Birthdate: 7 Sept 1830
Birthplace: Smith Co, TN
Death date: 11 March 1903
Place of death: Hooker Ridge Community
Burial: Hooker Cemetery, Rains Co, TX
Marriage date: 1. 26 March 1854; 2. 7 Jan 1871
Marriage place: 1. Hunt Co, Tx; 2. Van Zandt Co, TX
Spouse's name: 1. Mary A. ESTES; 2.Ann H AMBRICK

Child No. 4: William Harrison HOOKER
Sex: M
Birthdate: 30 JUNE 1833
Birthplace: Portland, Callaway Co, MO
Death date: 27 Oct 1906
Place of death: Hico, Hamilton Co, TX
Burial: Hico Cemetery
Marriage date: 2 Sept 1868
Marriage place: Hunt Co, TX
Spouse's name: Mary Elizabrth REEVES

Child No. 5: Mary Jane HOOKER
Sex: F
Birthdate: 30 April 1836
Birthplace: Portland, Callaway Co, MO
Death date: 19 April 1879
Place of death: Hooker Ridge Community
Marriage date: 7 Nov 1850
Burial: McMahanCemetery, Rains Co, TX
Marriage place: Hunt Co, TX
Spouse's name: John R. McMahan

Child No. 6: Martha Charlotte HOOKER
Sex: F
Birthdate: 21 Aug 1838
Birthplace: Portland, Callaway Co, MO
Death date: 7 July 1883
Place of death: Hooker Ridge Community
Burial: Harris Cemetery?? Rains Co, TX
Marriage date: 14 Dec 1858
Marriage place: Hunt Co, TX
Spouse's name: George Robert M. HARRIS

Child No. 7: Elizabeth Bess HOOKER
Sex: F
Birthdate: 26 oCT 1840
Birthplace: Red River Co, TX
Death date: 10 Aug 1893
Place of death: Emory, Rains Co, TX
Burial: Hooker Cemetery, Rains Co, TX
Marriage date: 23 Feb 1858
Marriage place: Hunt Co, TX
Spouse's name: Thomas M. CAIN

Child No. 8: John Wiswman HOOKER
Sex: M
Birthdate: 24 Nov 1842
Birthplace: Nacodgoches Co, TX
Death date: 4 July 1892
Place of death: Hicco, Hamiltin Co, TX
Burial: Hooker Cemetery, Rains Co, TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Never Married

Child No. 9: George Hodge HOOKER
Sex: M
Birthdate: 5 March 1846
Birthplace: Nacodgoches Co, TX
Death date: 5 Nov 1912
Place of death: Hooker Ridge Community
Burial: Hooker Cemetery, Rains Co, TX
Marriage date: 21 Feb 1867
Marriage place: Hunt Co, TX
Spouse's name: Harriet E. FORTRNBERRY
* Smith Co, TN & Hunt & Rains Co, TX Census;
* James Hooker Family Bible;
* McMahan, McBride, Harris, Fortenbery, & Vaughn Manuscripts;
* Hunt Co Marriage Records;
* Hooker Cemetery Records;
* Personal interview with Martha George HOOKER.

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