Texas Family Group Sheet for the Burwell HOOD Family

Husband: Burwell HOOD
Birthdate: 17 Jul 1817
Birthplace: St. Clair Co, Alabama
Death date: 22 May 1899
Place of death: Coryell Co, Texas
Burial: Masonic Cemetery, Gatesville, Coryell Co, Texas
Father: Robert HOOD
Mother: Sarah "Sallie" ROLAND

Marriage date: 7 Sep 1839
Marriage place: St. Clair County, Alabama

Wife: Margaret N. COOPER
Birthdate: 13 Nov 1817
Birthplace: St. Clair Co, Alabama
Death date: 10 Dec 1910
Place of death: Coryell Co, Texas
Burial: Masonic Cemetery, Gatesville, Coryell Co, Texas
Father: Zachariah COOPER
Mother: Mary Ann QUINN


Child No. 1: Mary Seretha HOOD
Sex: F
Birthdate: 20 Jun 1841
Birthplace: St. Clair Co, Alabama
Death date: 28 Dec 1918
Place of death: Gatesville, Coryell Co, Texas
Burial: Gatesville City Cemetery, Gatesville, Coryell Co, Texas
Marriage date: 24 Jan 1861
Marriage place: Coryell Co, Texas
Spouse's name: Thomas D. BONE

Child No. 2: Sidney C. HOOD
Sex: M
Birthdate: 5 Jan 1844
Birthplace: St. Clair Co, Alabama
Death date: Apr 1844
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: Marcus Roland HOOD
Sex: M
Birthdate: 8 Apr 1847
Birthplace: St. Clair Co, Alabama
Death date: 10 May 1930
Place of death: Gatesville, Coryell Co, Texas
Burial: Oddfellow Cemetery, Gatesville, Coryell Co, Texas
Marriage date: 13 Oct 1877
Marriage place: Coryell Co, Texas
Spouse's name: Jennie ROBINSON

Child No. 4: Laura J. HOOD
Sex: F
Birthdate: 7 Mar 1852
Birthplace: St. Clair Co, Alabama
Death date: 20 Mar 1879
Place of death:
Burial: Gatesville City Cemetery, Gatesville, Coryell Co, Texas
Marriage date: 23 May 1867
Marriage place: Coryell Co, Texas
Spouse's name: Benjamin Franklin MILLER

Child No. 5: John Christopher HOOD
Sex: M
Birthdate: 16 Oct 1855
Birthplace: St. Clair Co, Alabama
Death date: Feb 1942
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Burial: Gatesville City Cemetery, Gatesville, Coryell Co, Texas
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Mary J. WARE

Child No. 6: Robert Oliver HOOD
Sex: M
Birthdate: 10 Mar 1858
Birthplace: Coryell Co, Texas
Death date: 22 Nov 1928
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Prudence Elizabeth BLACK
* 1860 Census Coryell County, Texas.
* 1870 Census Coryell County, Texas - Sons John and Robert were still living at home.
* 1880 Census Coryell County, Texas.
* 1900 Census Coryell County, Texas - Margaret living w/grandson George Miller.

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