Texas Family Group Sheet for the John Baptiste Herbelin Family

Husband: John Baptiste HERBELIN
Birthdate: September 14, 1843
Birthplace: Alsace, France
Death date: January 10, 1915
Place of death: Ross, Texas

Marriage date: October 02, 1872
Marriage place: Fayette County, TX

Wife: Mary Jane SMITH
Birthdate: September 08, 1853
Death date: January 01, 1901
Place of death: West,, McLennan County, TX
Father: Dempsey C. Smith
Mother: Evan Margarette Patrick


Child No. 1: Dempsey Frank Herbelin
Sex: M
Birthdate: September 18, 1874
Birthplace: Fayette County, TX
Death date: April 09, 1923
Place of death: Heath, TX
Marriage date: May 09, 1896
Marriage place: Waco, McLennan County,Texas
Spouse's name: Wealthy Texana Davis

Child No. 2: Laura Jane Herbelin
Sex: F
Birthdate: July 19, 1876
Birthplace: McLennan County,Texas
Death date: May 01, 1937
Place of death: Houston, Harris County, TX
Marriage date: May 26, 1895
Marriage place: McLennan Country, TX
Spouse's name: Sam J. Tilton Hall

Child No. 3: Johnnie E. Herbelin
Sex: M
Birthdate: January 03, 1878
Birthplace: McLennan Country, TX
Death date: December 03, 1895
Place of death: White Rock, McLennan County, TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Mary Ann Herbelin
Sex: F
Birthdate: April 29, 1880
Birthplace: McLennan Country, TX
Death date: July 15, 1950
Place of death: West, McLennan County, Texas
Marriage date: January 19, 1902
Marriage place: West, McLennan County, Texas
Spouse's name: George Alvy Trammell

Child No. 5: George Washington Herbelin
Birthdate: January 10, 1882
Birthplace: Robertson County, Texas
Death date: December 07, 1970
Place of death: Waco, McLennan County,Texas
Marriage date: September 07, 1909
Marriage place: West, McLennan County, TX
Spouse's name: Della Lou Lassetter

Child No. 6: Fanny Herbelin
Sex: F
Birthdate: September 06, 1886
Birthplace: Falls County,TX
Death date: January 11, 1981
Place of death: Olney, Young County, TX
Marriage date: December 25, 1900
Marriage place: West, McLennan County,TX
Spouse's name: Perry Smith

Child No. 7: Estelle Rachel Herbelin
Sex: F
Birthdate: May 28, 1888
Birthplace: McLennan Country, TX
Death date: July 15, 1974
Place of death: McLennan Country, TX
Marriage date: July 28, 1907
Marriage place: West, McLennan County,TX
Spouse's name: Henry Clinton Willis

Child No. 8: Nettie Herbelin
Sex: F
Birthdate: February 19, 1890
Birthplace: McLennan Country, TX
Death date: October 10, 1965
Place of death: Houston,Harris County,TX
Marriage date: November 09, 1912
Marriage place: West, McLennan County,TX
Spouse's name: David Alexander McMahan

Child No. 9: Annie Herbelin
Sex: F
Birthdate: August 14, 1894
Birthplace: West, McLennan County,TX
Death date: West, McLennan County,TX
Place of death: Itasca, Hill County, TX
Marriage date: September 01, 1912
Marriage place: West, McLennan County,TX
Spouse's name: Willie Stokely Sawyer
* TX records,
* Cemetery and tombstone dates,
* Living family members.

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