Texas Family Group Sheet for the Fletcher Woosley HENNINGTON Family

Husband: Fletcher Woosley HENNINGTON
Birthdate: 09 AUg 1873
Birthplace: Tarrant Co., TX
Death date: 14 June 1953
Place of death: Wictita Falls, Witchita Co., TX
Father: William Garrison HENNINGTON
Mother: Catherine Cornelia SLAY

Marriage date: 25 July 1895
Marriage place: Meridian, Bosque Co., TX

Wife: Ella Mae BURDETTE
Birthdate: 20 Oct. 1880
Birthplace: Marquez, Leon Co., TX
Death date: 21 Nov. 1957
Place of death: Canyon, Randall Co., TX
Father: Benjamin Apling BURDETTE
Mother: Millie Elizabeth HOOD


Child No. 1: Eunice Mae HENNINGTON
Sex: F
Birthdate: 14 May 1897
Birthplace: Meridian, Bosque Co., TX
Death date: Oct. 1980
Place of death: Whittier, Los Angeles Co., CA
Marriage date: 15 Aug 1918
Marriage place: Deming, Lula Co., NM
Spouse's name: Victor Lealon CUNNYGHAM

Child No. 2: Alta Lorene HENNINGTON
Sex: F
Birthdate: 27 April 1899
Birthplace: Comanche, Comanche Co., TX
Death date: Nov 1985
Place of death: Anton, Hockley Co., TX
Marriage date: 03 Oct 1917
Marriage place: Trenton, Fannin Co., TX
Spouse's name: Arlie Homer VINCENT

Child No. 3: Oran HENNINGTON
Sex: M
Birthdate: 09 Sept 1901
Birthplace: Comanche, Comanche Co., TX
Death date: 24 Feb. 1922
Place of death: Dallas, Dallas Co., TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Lowell Purvis HENNINGTON
Sex: M
Birthdate: 30 Dec. 1902
Birthplace: Comanche, Comanche Co., TX
Death date: 21 Dec. 1986
Place of death: Seaside, Monterey Co., CA
Marriage date: 12 Sept. 1943
Marriage place: Ft. Smith, Sebastian Co., AR
Spouse's name: Grace Kelly BARTHALOMEW

Child No. 5: Lance Milton HENNINGTON
Birthdate: 20 Sept. 1906
Birthplace: Comanche, Comanche Co., TX
Death date: 17 Dec. 1983
Place of death: Muleshoe, Bailey Co., TX
Marriage date: 04 Feb 1930
Marriage place: Muleshoe, Bailey Co., TX
Spouse's name: Eula Mae Magee

Child No. 6: Boyette Lemoin HENNINGTON
Sex: M
Birthdate: 29 Oct. 1909
Birthplace: Haskell Co., TX
Death date: 18 April 1968
Place of death: Austin, Travis Co., TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 7: Living
Sex: F
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 8: Vivian Nadine HENNINGTON
Sex: F
Birthdate: 30 Oct 1914
Birthplace: Fannin Co., TX
Death date: 26 Oct. 2003
Place of death: Alvarado, Johnson Co., TX
Marriage date: 12 Nov 1938
Marriage place: Clovis, Curry Co., NM
Spouse's name: Robert ROBERTSON

Child No. 9: Jay Wayne HENNINGTON
Sex: M
Birthdate: 10 Aug 1917
Birthplace: Trenton, Fannin Co., TX
Death date: 11 July 1973
Place of death: Poss. Potter Co., TX
Marriage date: 05 July 1941
Marriage place: Poss. Texas
Spouse's name: Mildred Christene GEORGE

Child No. 10: Loyd Burdette HENNINGTON
Sex: M
Birthdate: 14 Nov. 1919
Birthplace: Gageby, Wheeler Co., TX
Death date: 19 March 1961
Place of death: San Antonio, Bexar Co., TX
Marriage date: 6 June 1943
Marriage place: Sayre, Beckam Co., OK
Spouse's name: Margie G. SEELY
* Hennington Family Bibles;
* Book-Hennington & Related Families; US Federal Census;
* Birth & Death Certificates;
* SS-5;
* LDS Family Records;

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