Texas Family Group Sheet for the General Bartow HEATH Family

Husband: General Bartow HEATH
Birthdate: Feb. 16 1862
Birthplace: Georgia
Death date: Dec. 14, 1934
Place of death: Big Springs, Texas
Burial: Colorado City Cemetery, Colorado City, Texas
Father: Francis Marion HEATH
Mother: Nancy Jane BOZEMAN

Marriage date: Dec. 23, 1886
Marriage place: Hamilton Co. Texas

Wife: Lillie Lee NEELY
Birthdate: Aug. 26, 1871
Birthplace: Texas
Death date: April 15, 1959
Place of death: Colorado City, Texas
Burial: Colorado City Cemetery, Colorado City,Texas


Child No. 1: Ora HEATH
Sex: F
Birthdate: Oct. 1, 1887
Birthplace: Collins Co. Texas
Death date: Feb. 11, 1981
Place of death: Colorado City, Texas
Burial: Colorado City Cemetery, Colorado City, Texas
Marriage date: Feb. 1, 1904
Marriage place: Grayson Co. Texas
Spouse's name: John Green THOMSON

Child No. 2: General Bartow HEATH
Sex: M
Birthdate: Jan. 18,1890
Birthplace: Chicksaw Indian Territory,Oklohoma
Death date: Aug. 28, 1968
Place of death: Dallas,Texas
Burial: Canyon, Randall Co.,Texas
Marriage date: April 1911
Marriage place: Wichita Falls, Texas
Spouse's name: Beulah TAYLOR

Child No. 3: Ethel Lee HEATH
Sex: F
Birthdate: June 12, 1892
Birthplace: Chicksaw Indian Territory,Oklohoma
Death date: Aug. 28 ,1973
Place of death: Stephenville,Texas
Burial: Colorado City Cemetery ,Colorado City, Texas
Marriage date: Aug. 1, 1910
Marriage place: Wichita Falls,Texas
Spouse's name: Boyd David TAYLOR

Child No. 4: Jewel Walter HEATH
Sex: M
Birthdate: Oct. 29, 1894
Birthplace: Chicksaw Indian Territory,Oklohoma
Death date: Sept. 13, 1966
Place of death: Colorado City,Texas
Burial: Colorado City Cemetery, Colorado City Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 5: Virgil Francis HEATH
Sex: M
Birthdate: March 4, 1897
Birthplace: Grayson Co. Texas
Death date: Aug. 28,1962
Place of death: Big Lake,Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Hattie Mae TAYLOR

Child No. 6: Claud Clayton HEATH
Sex: M
Birthdate: June 9, 1900
Birthplace: Wichita Falls,Texas
Death date: Sept. 24,1984
Place of death: Loraine,Texas
Burial: Colorado City Cemetery, Colorado City,Texas
Marriage date: Jan. 17,1923
Marriage place: San Angelo,Texas
Spouse's name: Zella WHITE

Child No. 7: David Benjamin HEATH
Sex: M
Birthdate: July 9, 1903
Birthplace: Cook Co. Texas
Death date: Jan 26, 1936
Place of death: Colorado City,Texas
Burial: Colorado City Cemetery,Colorado City Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Annette BASS

Child No. 8: Hugh Wesley HEATH
Sex: M
Birthdate: July 2, 1909
Birthplace: Wichita Falls,Texas
Death date: NOv. 15, 1989
Place of death: Houston,Texas
Marriage date: Abt.1932
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Orene Mary STEWART

Child No. 9: Mary Loyce HEATH
Sex: F
Birthdate: March 24 ,1914
Birthplace: Wichita Falls,Texas
Death date: Nov. 30, 2000
Place of death: Weatherford,Texas
Marriage date: 1-July10, 1934 2-Jan.17,1958
Marriage place: 1-Colorado City,Texas 2-Stephenville,Texas
Spouse's name: 1 James Franklin Hargroves 2 Leslie Melvin BROOKS

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