Texas Family Group Sheet for the Richard Thomas Hathcox Family

Husband: Richard Thomas HATHCOX
Birthdate:November 28, 1854
Birthplace: Georgia
Death date: December 1, 1919
Place of death: Tyler, Texas
Burial: center cemetery, Smith Co. TX

Marriage date: abt 1884
Marriage place:

Wife: Zuda Mae Louizza WILLIAMS
aka: "Missouri" WILLIAMS
Birthdate:December 6, 1866
Birthplace: Alabama
Death date: September 26, 1929
Place of death: Tyler, Texas
Burial: Center Cemetery, Smith Co. TX


Child No. 1: Minnie Lou Hathcox
Sex: F
Birthdate: May 10, 1885
Birthplace: Sulphur Springs Hopkins Co. TX
Death date: February 12, 1928
Place of death: Tyler Texas
Marriage date: April 1, 1912
Marriage place: Tyler Texas
Spouse's name: Asa Nick Thompson SR.

Child No. 2: William Robert Hathcox
Sex: M
Birthdate: May 12, 1892
Birthplace: Sulphur Springs Hopkins Co. TX
Death date: December 18, 1973
Place of death: Tyler Texas
Marriage date: September 7, 1918
Marriage place: Tyler Texas
Spouse's name: Clara Belle Young

Child No. 3: Fletcher C. Hathcox
Sex: M
Birthdate: October 12, 1894
Birthplace: Sulphur Springs Hopkins co. TX
Death date: August 13, 1931
Place of death: Tyler Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Oleta Funderburgh

Child No. 4: Mary Lillian Hathcox
Sex: F
Birthdate: October 18, 1896
Birthplace: Riley Springs, Texas
Death date: June 4, 1977
Place of death: Tyler Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Clyde Carlton Byrum

Child No. 5: Mildred Veona Hathcox
Sex: F
Birthdate: January 23, 1905
Birthplace: Smith County Texas
Death date: 1933
Place of death: Tyler Smith Co. Texas
Burial: Center Cemetery Smith Co. TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Tyler Texas
Spouse's name: Dave Jackson Johnson

Child No. 6: Reuben Othella Hathcox
Sex: M
Birthdate: February 1, 1909
Death date: February 3, 1958
Place of death: Orange Texas
Marriage date: 1930
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Ella Mae Pollock
* Census Records.

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