Texas Family Group Sheet for the George Richard Hancock Family

Husband: George Richard HANCOCK
Birthdate: June 15, 1853
Birth place: Springfield,Greene Co, Mo
Death date: Mar 4 1879
Place of death:
Burial place:
Father: Charles Jackson Hancock
Mother: Archasia Clementine Warren

Marriage date: July 15,1872
Marriage place: Limestone Co,Tx

Wife: Louisa Elizabeth HAYTER
Birthdate: Feb 2,1854
Birth place: Limestone Co,Tx
Death date: abt.1888
Place of death: Limestone Co,Tx
Burial place:
Father: Barzilla "Bud" Hayter
Mother: Leatha Jane Bennett


Child No. 1: William Barzeli
Birthdate: July 6, 1873
Birth place: Limestone Co,Tx
Death date: Sept 11,1950
Place of death: Sedan,Kiowa Co,Ok
Spouse: Louetta Vanburen Herring
Marriage Date: Aug 29 1893
Marriage Place: Limestone Co,Tx

Child No. 2: Lee
Birthdate: abt 1876
Birth place: Limestone Co Tx
Death date: Oct 18 1900
Place of death: Cedar Island,Limestone Co,Tx
Marriage Date:
Marriage Place:
* US Census,
* Hancock Family Bible,
* Robert B Hancock,
* Barbara Matthews Wright,
* Larry Hayter,
* Kay Popp,
* Jean Hancock.

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