Texas Family Group Sheet for the Wilhelm Heinrich David "Henry" HAFERKAMP Family

Husband: Wilhelm Heinrich David HAFERKAMP
aka: "Henry" HAFERKAMP
Birthdate: Dec. 7, 1838
Birthplace: Haldem, Westphalia, Germany
Death date: March 28, 1928
Place of death: Riesel, Texas
Father: Cord Heinrich Wilhelm HAFERKAMP
Mother: Marie Elisabeth Lucie HANTKER

Marriage date: March 13, 1866
Marriage place: Dielingen, Westphalia, Germany

Wife: Margarethe Engel Agnes GASKAMP
Birthdate: Nov. 11, 1840
Birthplace: Haldem, Westphalia, Germany
Death date: April 7, 1912
Place of death: Riesel, Texas
Father: Gerd Friedrich GASKAMP
Mother: Marie Margarethe Engel MEYER


Child No. 1: Heinrich Carl Christian "Henry" HAFERKAMP
Sex: M
Birthdate: Sept. 29, 1866
Birthplace: Haldem, Westphalia, Germany
Death date: August 16, 1949
Place of death: Coryell City, Coryell Co., Texas
Marriage date: Nov. 24, 1887
Marriage place: Zionsville Community, Washington Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Anna SCHROEDER

Child No. 2: Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb "Fritz" HAFERKAMP
Sex: M
Birthdate: May 11, 1869
Birthplace: Haldem, Westphalia, Germany
Death date: Sept. 23, 1925
Place of death: Perry, Falls Co., Texas
Marriage date: Dec. 11, 1890
Marriage place: Zionsville Community, Washington Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Wilhelmine Henriette Dorothea "Mina" LEHDE

Child No. 3: Wilhelmine Margaretha Justine "Minnie" HAFERKAMP
Sex: F
Birthdate: June 8, 1871
Birthplace: Haldem, Westphalia, Germany
Death date: Aug. 18, 1965
Place of death: Lorraine, Mitchell Co., Texas
Marriage date: Dec. 1, 1892
Marriage place: Zionsville Community, Washington Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Robert HELM

Child No. 4: Sophie Henriette Louise HAFERKAMP
Sex: F
Birthdate: Feb. 11, 1874
Birthplace: William Penn, Washington Co., Texas
Death date: July 15, 1937
Place of death: Riesel, Texas
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 5: Anna Margaretha Louise HAFERKAMP
Birthdate: May 13, 1876
Birthplace: Welcome, Austin Co., Texas
Death date: June 18, 1964
Place of death: Gerald Community, McLennan Co., Texas
Marriage date: April 19, 1896
Marriage place: Berlin Community, Washington Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Friedrich Carl Daniel "Fritz" BODE

Child No. 6: Caroline Henriette Wilhelmine HAFERKAMP
Sex: F
Birthdate: March 25, 1878
Birthplace: Welcome, Austin Co., Texas
Death date: Sept. 9, 1916
Place of death: Riesel, Texas
Marriage date: Oct. 23, 1900
Marriage place: Washington Co., Texas
Spouse's name: John BAUMGARTNER

Child No. 7: Henriette Wilhelmine Louise HAFERKAMP
Sex: F
Birthdate: January 7, 1880
Birthplace: Zionsville Community, Washington Co., Texas
Death date: Nov. 26, 1974
Place of death: Marlin, Falls Co., Texas
Marriage date: Nov. 22,1900
Marriage place: Zionsville Community, Washington Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Friedrich Heinrich Ludwig "Louis" LEHRMANN

Child No. 8: Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich "Bill" HAFERKAMP
Sex: M
Birthdate: July 2, 1882
Birthplace: Zionsville Community, Washington Co., Texas
Death date: October 10, 1949
Place of death: Riesel, Texas
Marriage date: February 3, 1903
Marriage place: Gay Hill Community, Washington Co., Texas
Spouse's name: Emma HELM

Child No. 9: Karl Friedrich Wilhelm "Charlie" HAFERKAMP
Sex: M
Birthdate: May 17, 1885
Birthplace: Zionsville Community, Washington Co., Texas
Death date: April 27, 1966
Place of death: Mart, McLennan Co., Texas
Marriage date: December 7, 1911
Marriage place: Riesel, Texas
Spouse's name: Anna Louise Marie BUCK
* Mrs. Lydia Bode Grudziecki,
* Mrs. Agnes Haferkamp Lehrmann,
* Mrs. Elsie Haferkamp Bishop,
* Mrs. Mary Haferkamp Bush,
* Mrs. Minnie Baumgartner Fedro,
* Mrs. Adeline Lehrmann Boeche,
* Mrs. Lillie Helm Matthews,
* Mr. Louis Helm,
* Mr. Herman Helm,
* Mrs. Lillie Haferkamp Rohloff,
* Mrs. Alma Haferkamp Ehlers.
Courthouse records in Washington, McLennan, Falls, and Coryell counties in Texas.
Church records from Lutheran Churches in Washington, McLennan, and Falls Counties, Texas.

* The second son, Fritz Haferkamp, married Wilhelmine WOLF on January 9, 1896, in Zionsville, Washington Co., Texas. Fritz's first wife had died in 1895. Fritz and his second wife later separated.
* Fritz married his third wife, Mina BREMER, on December 4, 1903, in McGregor, McLennan Co., Texas. Fritz was 34 and Mina was 16 when they married.

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