Texas Family Group Sheet for the Harley Haberlie #2 Family

Husband: Harley HABERLIE
Birthdate:2 Sept 1860
Birthplace: Alpena, Michigan
Death date: 30 May 1930
Place of death: Houston, Harris Co., Texas
Father: Thomas Haberlie
Mother: Mary Anna Durr

Marriage date: (D)
Marriage place: Texas

Wife: Sally Jane TANNER
Birthdate:8 Nov 1868
Birthplace: Tarkington Prairie, Liberty Co., Texas
Death date: 18 Dec 1937
Place of death: East Texas
Father: Francis Marion "Frank" Tanner
Mother: Mary Ann Melton


Child No. 1: Harley Lee Haberlie
Sex: M
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 2: Bessie Mae Haberlie
Sex: F
Birthdate: 21 Mar 1901
Birthplace: Jacksonville, Cherokee Co., Texas
Death date: 1 Feb 1936
Place of death: Houston, Harris Co., Texas
Burial: Brookside Cemetery
Marriage date: 17 Dec 1925
Marriage place: Houston, Harris Co., Texas
Spouse's name: James Jefferson Miller

Child No. 3: Bertha Haberlie
Sex: F
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* 1880 Census of Liberty Co., Texas;
* Information given to me by my grandfather, James Jefferson Miller;
* Information given to me by a cousin, Reba Irene Jackson Smith, professional genealogist.

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