Texas Family Group Sheet for the Juan Guevara (Guebara) Family

Birthdate: July 1862
Birthplace: Montemorelso, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Death date: 1910
Place of death: ?
Father: Ricardo Guevara
Mother: ?

Marriage date: November 2, 1891
Marriage place: Rio Grande City, Starr County, Texas

Wife: Rosa GARCIA
Birthdate: April 1868
Birthplace: ?
Death date: 1902
Place of death: Starr County, Texas
Father: Felipe Garcia
Mother: ?


Child No. 1: Rita
Sex: F
Birthdate: October 1892
Birthplace: Rio Grande City, Starr County, Texas
Death date: ?
Place of death: ?
Marriage date: ?
Marriage place: ?
Spouse's name: ?

Child No. 2: Maria
Sex: F
Birthdate: February 1897
Birthplace: Rio Grande City, Starr County, Texas
Death date: ?
Place of death: ?
Marriage date: ?
Marriage place: ?
Spouse's name: ?

Child No. 3: Rafael
Sex: M
Birthdate: December 1900
Birthplace: Rio Grande City, Starr County, Texas
Death date: ?
Place of death: ?
Marriage date: ?
Marriage place: ?
Spouse's name: ?

Child No. 4: Luis
Sex: M
Birthdate: January 5, 1902
Birthplace: Rio Grande City, Starr County, Texas
Death date: ?
Place of death: ?
Marriage date: ?
Marriage place: ?
Spouse's name: ?
* 1900 Census (Last name erroneously listed as Debara).
* Confirmation record for Luis from Immaculate Conception church in Rio Grande City.
* These records affirm oral history given to me by my grandfather Luis Guevara (Guebara).

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