Texas Family Group Sheet for the Eutimio GUERRA de Hernandes Family

Husband: Eutimio GUERRA de Flores (1)
Birthdate: 24 December 1859 (2) (a)
Birthplace: Tamaulipas, Mexico
Death date: 16 January 1929
Place of death: Helena, Karnes County, Texas
Burial: Helena Latin Cemetery, Helena, Texas
Father: Ramon GUERRA (2)
Mother: Matilda FLORES (2)

Marriage date: 1888 (3)
Marriage place:

Wife: Encarnacion "Concepcion" HERNANDES de Guerra (1)
Birthdate: 1866 or 1867 (4)
Birthplace: Hidalgo County, Texas
Death date: 29 November 1937
Place of death: Helena, Karnes County, Texas
Burial: Helena Latin Cemetery, Karnes Co., Texas
Father: Cecilio HERNANDES (4, 5, 6)
Mother: Felicita CASAS (4, 5, 6)


Child No. 1: Cristina GUERRA (3), (7)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 15 December 1886
Birthplace: Jackson Rancho, Hidalgo Co., Texas
Death date: 9 November 1968
Place of death: Jim Wells County, Texas
Burial: Saint James Catholic Cemetery, Jim Wells Co., Texas
Marriage date: 16 November 1905 (7)
Marriage place: Karnes County, Texas
Spouse's name: Torivio SILVAS (7)

Child No. 2: Eutimio GUERRA de Hernandes (1)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 13 August 1889
Birthplace: Hidalgo County, Texas
Death date: 30 August 1959 (8)
Place of death: Nueces County, Texas
Burial: Helena Latin Cemetery, Karnes Co., Texas
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouse's name: Eufracia OCHOA TREVINO (1), (b)

Child No. 3: Refugia Perez GUERRA (3), (c)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 30 December 1891
Birthplace: (Hidalgo County), Texas
Death date: 4 March 1957
Place of death: San Antonio, Bexar Co., Texas
Burial: Helena Latin Cemetery, Karnes Co., Texas
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouse's name: unknown

Child No. 4: Brigida GUERRA (3) (d)
Sex: F
Birthdate: February 1895 (3)
Birthplace: (Hidalgo or Karnes County), Texas (d)
Death date: unknown (d)
Place of death: Karnes County, Texas (d)
Burial: Helena Latin Cemetery, Helena, Karnes Co., Texas (d)
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 5: Encarnacion "Concepcion" GUERRA (3)
Sex: F
Birthdate: January 1897 (3)
Birthplace: (Karnes County), Texas (d)
Death date: unknown (d)
Place of death: Texas
Burial: Helena Latin Cemetery, Helena, Karnes Co., Texas (d)
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 6: Petra GUERRA (9)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 13 February 1903 (10)
Birthplace: Karnes County, Texas
Death date: 6 October 1987
Place of death: San Antonio, Bexar Co., Texas
Burial: unknown (e)
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouse's name: Victoriano "Victor" RABAGO de Cardenas (f)

Child No. 7: Crecencio GUERRA (9)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 19 April 1905 (9, 11)
Birthplace: Karnes County, Texas
Death date: 10 December 1993
Place of death: Karnes Co., Texas
Burial: Helena Latin Cemetery, Helena, Karnes Co., Texas
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouse's name: Manuela Figueroa
   (1) Mrs. Maria de Jesus Sanchez Montalvo Oral History of the Guerra Family
   (2) "Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," Database with images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/K3QP-7H7 : accessed 22 June 2015), Eutimio Guerra, 16 Jan 1929; citing certificate number 4908, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2,114,665.
   (3) "United States Census, 1900," Database with images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/M3P3-JBR : accessed 22 June 2015), Entemis Green, Justice Precinct 1 (incl. County Jail) Karnes city, Karnes, Texas, United States; citing sheet 5B, family 100, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 1,241,650.
   (4) Texas Death Certificate #56182
   (5) "United States Census, 1870," Database with images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-267-12064-61927-16?cc=1438024 : accessed 22 June 2015), Texas >Hidalgo >Precinct 1 >image 3 of 20; citing NARA microfilm publication M593 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
   (6) "United States Census, 1880," Database with images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/MFNK-6PT : accessed 22 June 2015), Encarnacion Hernandes in household of Cicilio Hernandes, Teniente & La Jara Ranchos, Hidalgo, Texas, United States; citing enumeration district , sheet , NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll ; FHL microfilm .
   (7) "Texas, County Marriage Records, 1837-1977", Database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/QV14-JJ56 : accessed 22 June 2015), Todevia Selva and Christiana Guerra, 1905.
   (8) "Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," Database with images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/K33M-WHQ : accessed 22 June 2015), Eutimio Guerra, 30 Aug 1959; citing certificate number 46370, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2,115,951.
   (9) "United States Census, 1910," Database with images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/M2SQ-43P : accessed 22 June 2015), Petra Guerro in household of Eutimxa Guerro, Justice Precinct 6, Karnes, Texas, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 114, sheet 4A, family 60, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 1,375,580.
   (10) "United States Social Security Death Index," Database, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/V3DQ-T2V : accessed 22 June 2015), Petra G Rabago, 06 Oct 1987; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing).
   (11) "United States Social Security Death Index," Database, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V9JJ-84F : accessed 22 June 2015), Cresencio Guerra, 10 Sep 1993; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing).

The Submitter is looking for information for Eufracia Ochoa Trevino Guerra, Refugia Perez Guerra, and Brigida Guerra. The Eutimio Guerra de Hernandes Family lived in the following places: Texas Counties: Hidalgo, Karnes, and Nueces. Other family members have lived and/or do live in the following counties: Hidalgo, Karnes, DeWitt, Bexar, Duval, Nueces, Kleberg, Bee, San Patricio, and Live Oak. The family of Eutimio and Eufracia Guerra moved to Bolivar County, Mississippi after 1935 and returned to Nueces and Karnes Counties around 1944.
   (a) Birth year of 1859 calculated from age listed on death certificate and age listed on 1870 Census of Hidalgo County, Texas.
   (b) Eufracia's full name is listed. According to family history, Eufracia was born into an Ochoa family and "adopted" by a Trevino family. She was either born to a single parent who later married a Trevino or her parents died and she was adopted by a Trevino family. The parents listed on the death certificate were Jesus Ochoa and Gregoria. Relatives listed in her obituary were: brothers: Nazario Ochoa of Mission, Hidalgo County,Texas; and Cornelio Ochoa of Mathis, San Patricio County, Texas; and sister: Mrs. Benita Trevino of Nordheim, DeWitt County, Texas. Eufracia was born in 1891 at Ojo de Agua Rancho (now Abram), Hidalgo County, Texas.
   (c) Refugia's birth name is listed as Refugia Perez Guerra on her death certificate. The "Informant" was Julia P. Lozano. Refugia was either adopted by Eutimio and "Concepcion"; or she was named after a relative with the name "Refugia Perez"; or she married someone with the last name Perez and whoever filled out her death certificate put her husband's name in the wrong place.
   (d) Information on Brigida and Encarnacion is scarce. They are both listed on the 1900 and 1910 Census for Karnes County but Encarnacion is also listed on the 1920 Census for Karnes County. They are not listed on the 1930 Census in any household of their siblings. There are records for multiple people with the names "Brigida" and "Encarnacion Guerra" but one cannot conclude definitively that those records belong to this family. In conclusion, there is a grave marker in the Helena Latin Cemetery with their names inscribed on it along with other family members.
   (e) The burial place of Petra Guerra is unknown because her death certificate is not available (yet). There is a Rabago Family grave marker in the Helena Latin Cemetery marking the grave of her mother-in-law.
   (f) Victor's brother, Rodrigo, was the "Informant" on Petra's mother's death certificate. Family search was used to gather information on Rodrigo Rabago and the information found led to records for Petra Guerra and Victor Rabago.

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