Texas Family Group Sheet for the Alvin Hewitt GREGORY Family
Husband: Alvin Hewitt GREGORY
Birthdate: 9 Feb 1845
Birthplace: Clark Co, Missouri
Death date: 24 Dec 1930
Place of death: Gatesville, Coryell Co, Texas
Burial: Gatesville City Cemetery, Gatesville, Coryell Co, Texas (3)
Father: Umbleton S. GREGORY
Mother: Mary HEWITT
Marriage date: 5 Sep 1869
Marriage place: Fayette Co, Texas (1)
Wife: Emily Ann "Emma" CHANDLER
Birthdate: 10 May 1847
Birthplace: Texas
Death date: 12 Apr 1936 (2)
Place of death: Gatesville, Coryell Co, Texas
Burial: Gatesville City Cemetery, Gatesville, Coryell Co, Texas (3)
Father: Rev. Pleasant Barnett CHANDLER
Mother: Mary O'KELLY
Child No. 1: Umbleton Judson GREGORY
Sex: M
Birthdate: 26 Apr 1873
Birthplace: Texas
Death date: Nov 1912
Place of death: Texas
Burial: Gatesville City Cemetery, Gatesville, Coryell Co, Texas (3)
Marriage date: 18 Dec 1895
Marriage place: Coryell Co, Texas
Spouse's name: Margaret Emily "Maggie" MILLER (2)
Child No. 2: Susie GREGORY
Sex: F
Birthdate: ca 1877
Birthplace: Texas
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Will MCCLAIN
Child No. 3: Sidney GREGORY
Sex: M
Birthdate: ca 1882
Birthplace: Texas
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Fanny B.
(1) Fayette County Marriage records.
(2) Death certificate.
(3) Tombstone photograph.
* Census:
1850 Fayette County, Texas;
1870 Fayette County, Texas;
1800 Coryell County, Texas;
1900 Coryell County, Texas;
1910 Coryell County, Texas;
1920 Coryell County, Texas.
I have Umbleton & Maggies' daughter Annie Laura GREGORY RATTAN'S handwritten notes & photographs.
Copyright © Linda Rattan Knowles. All rights reserved.
Submitted by: Linda Rattan Knowles
Email address: LKnowles40@aol.com