Texas Family Group Sheet for the Sampson Grant Family #1

Husband: Sampson GRANT
Birthdate: 1843
Birthplace: Virginia
Death date: 01 May 1913
Place of death: Waskom, Texas
Burial: Waskom, Texas
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown

Marriage date: 1866
Marriage place: Harrison County, Texas

Wife: Mariah BRASHEARS
Birthdate: 1850
Birthplace: Alabama
Death date: unknown
Place of death: Waskom, Texas
Burial: Waskom, Texas
Father: George Brashears
Mother: Rebecca


Child No. 1: Virginia Grant
Sex: F
Birthdate: Feb 1867
Birthplace: Harrison County, Texas
Death date: unknown
Place of death: Texas
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 15 Feb 1887
Marriage place: Harrison County, Texas
Spouse's name: John Eubanks

Child No. 2: George Grant
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1871
Birthplace: Harrison County, Texas
Death date: 29 Apr 1957
Place of death: Latex, Texas
Burial: Union Cemetery
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: Caddo Parish Louisana
Spouse's name: Kattie

Child No. 3: Elnora Grant
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1875
Birthplace: Harrison County, Texas
Death date: unknown
Place of death: unknown
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 13 Apr 1900
Marriage place: Harrison County, Texas
Spouse's name: Vig Pierce

Child No. 4: Erie Grant
Sex: F
Birthdate: Oct 1878
Birthplace: Harrison County, Texas
Death date: unknown
Place of death: Harrison County, Texas
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 14 Jan 1893
Marriage place: Harrison County, Texas
Spouse's name: Asa (Azzie) Hubbard

Child No. 5: Arthur Grant
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1882
Birthplace: Harrison County, Texas
Death date: unknown
Place of death: Texas
Marriage date: unknown
Burial: unknown
Marriage place: Texas
Spouse's name: Mattie

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