Texas Family Group Sheet for the Fredrick Burton Graf Family

Husband: Fredrick Burton GRAF
Birthdate: 1884
Death date: March 23,1932
Place of death: Texarkana, Bowie Co, Texas
Burial: Eylau Christian Cemetery

Marriage date:
Marriage place:

Wife: Addie Estelle TERRY
Birthdate: August 12,1889
Birthplace: Plantersville, Dallas Co, Alabama
Death date: April 15,1966
Place of death: Texarkana, Bowie Co, Texas
Burial: Rose Hill Cemetery
Father: William Woodsey Terry, SR
Mother: Susan Anabel unknown


Child No. 1: William Aulden Graf, SR
Sex: M
Birthdate: February 7,1910
Birthplace: Texarkana, Bowie Co, Texas
Death date: August 22,1976
Place of death: Texarkana, Miller Co, Arkansas
Burial: Eylau Christian Cemetery
Marriage date: December 10,1940
Marriage place: Texarkana, Bowie Co, Texas (?)
Spouse's name: Bernice Golden

Child No. 2: Living
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: Nora Louise Graf
Sex: F
Birthdate: January 28,1917
Birthplace: Texarkana, Bowie Co, Texas
Death date: July 24,2000
Place of death: Texarkana, Miller Co, Arkansas
Burial: Chapelwood Memorial Gardens
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: C.L. Clayton & V.L. Haynes

Child No. 4: Edna Terry Graf
Sex: F
Birthdate: July 9,1920
Birthplace: Texarkana, Bowie Co, Texas
Death date: May 28,1988
Place of death: Montgomery, Montgomery Co, Alabama
Burial: Hillcrest Memorial Park
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Carl Steve Funderburk

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