Texas Family Group Sheet for the Charles Henry GLASS Family

Husband: Charles Henry GLASS (1,2)
   Birthdate: 12 Dec 1900 - Eddy, McLennan, Texas, USA (3,4)
  Death date: 5 Dec 1980 - Waco, McLennan, Texas, USA (3,5)
      Buried: 6 Dec 1980 - Robinson, McLennan, Texas, USA
     Address: Robinson Cemetery, McLennan County, Texas
    Marriage: 1931                           Place: , McLennan, Texas, USA (6)
   Wife: Naomi Clara SENN (7,8)
   Birthdate: 22 Aug 1905 - , Milam, Texas, USA (9,10)
  Death date: 31 Aug 1984 - Waco, McLennan, Texas, USA (9,11)
      Buried: 4 Sep 1984 - Robinson, McLennan, Texas, USA
     Address: Robinson Cemetery, McLennan County, Texas
      Father: Frederick Doyle SENN (1875-1930) (7,12,13)
      Mother: Emma Beatrice WILLS (1878-1937) (7,14,15,16)
Other Spouse: James C McFERRIN (1900-    ) (17)   Date:
1  M  Charles Clayton GLASS (18,19)
   Birthdate: 3 Jul 1932 - , Milam, Texas, USA (7,20,21)
  Death date: 4 Oct 2000 - Waco, McLennan, Texas, USA (20)
      Buried: 6 Oct 2000 - Robinson, McLennan, Texas, USA
     Address: Robinson Cemetery, McLennan County, Texas
      Spouse: Living
  Marr. Date:
2  M  Infant GLASS (7)
   Birthdate: 1947
  Death date: 1947
      Buried: 6 Oct 2000 - Robinson, McLennan, Texas, USA
     Address: Robinson Cemetery, McLennan County, Texas
      Spouse: Did Not Marry
  Marr. Date:

General Notes: Wife - Naomi Clara SENN

Naomi beat the odds and lived to be "80 some" years old.  The youngest baby's ashes were
placed in Naomi's coffin at her funeral. I remember her as a lot of fun. She was extremely nice
and spent a lot of time with my brothers and I when she visited. She suffered from Huntington's
Disease for as long as I knew her.

Last Modified: 2 Dec 2014



    1. Senn, Ima Holder. Henry Glass. I had several telephone interviews with Ima from 2000-2002.
         We discussed her family and Wiley's family. She had an incredible memory and she had
         "notes" about things she was afraid she would forget. I don't know what happened to her
         notes and I wish I had recorded our conversations. She is my grandmother.
    2. Birth Certificate, Glass, Charles Clayton #55276.  Charles Henry Glass.
    3. Social Security Death Index (FamilySearch.org), 446-01-1123.
    4. Birth Certificate, Glass, Charles Clayton #55276.  age 30, Eddy, Texas.
    5. Texas Death Index, 1964-1998 (FamilySearch.org), 61-1345.
    6. Obituary, Naomi Glass.
    7. Senn, Ima Holder.
    8. Birth Certificate, Glass, Charles Clayton #55276.  Naomi Senn.
    9. Social Security Death Index (FamilySearch.org), 465-12-8766.
    10. Birth Certificate, Glass, Charles Clayton #55276.  age 24, Rockdale, Texas.
    11. Texas Death Index, 1964-1998 (FamilySearch.org), Glass, Naomi.
    12. Death Certificate, Senn, Fred #41888.
    13. 1880 Federal Census, New York, Genesee, ED 16, pg 11-12 (661C-D).  Frederic Sinn.
    14. 1880 Federal Census, Texas, McCullough, ED 108, pg 14 (522B).  E B Wills.
    15. 1900 Federal Census, Texas, Bell, ED 20, pg 15A.  Beatrice Senn.
    16. Death Certificate, Senn, James J #36052.  Emma B Wills.
    17. 1940 Federal Census, Texas, Harris, ED 258-105, pg 5B.  James C McFerrin.
    18. Texas State Birth Index, Glass, Charles Clayton.
    19. Birth Certificate, Glass, Charles Clayton #55276.
    20. Social Security Death Index (FamilySearch.org), 462-46-5250.
    21. Birth Certificate, Glass, Charles Clayton #55276.  3 July 1932, Thorndale, Texas.
    22. Birth Certificate, Glass, Charles Clayton #55276.  3 July 1932, Thorndale, Texas.

My Notes

If there is no SOURCE, I have no PROOF! If the source is a PERSON, the information is HEARSAY!


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